Mountain Friends pt. 7 (mf)

Thank you for those of you who reached out with kind words or questions. Please feel free to continue to do so. Feedback and advice are always appreciated. I’m still developing the skills to convey emotion, especially jealousy and humiliation.

The afternoon flew by. Mostly it was just chatting and catching up while people got a little day drunk. We all had a dinner to make during the week and the first one was mine. I asked around if anyone wanted to hit the grocery with me but no one elected to come. I started to pull out when I saw someone waving.

I stopped and Alex hustled into the car. “Hey, I saw you were heading out alone and I felt bad.”

I smiled weakly, “Thanks Alex, I mean I get it. People are feeling toasty and going out in the cold doesn’t sound like the funnest move.”

I started driving and Alex reached out and put her hand on my leg. She had always done that when we dated and something about it was nicely, platonically intimate. I couldn’t help but look over at her, the warm light of the sun accentuated her features and she looked stunning. “I wanted to ask how you and Maria were doing.”

Mountain Friends pt 6 (mfm)


I woke up the next morning to Maria rolling me over and spooning me. I could feel the gentle rocking of Nick’s penis thrusting in and out of her and her heavy breathing told me just how turned on she was. Without speaking she just wrapped her hand around my morning hardened cock and started stroking. I reached up, where her arm cradled my head and intertwined my fingers with hers.

She squeezed hard and a small gasp escaped her mouth. “Good morning mi amor,” she whispered and pulled me close so that she had good access. She was a pretty tall woman so it wasn’t as awkward as it could be and I was slim so she reached easily. She liked being big spoon and it wasn’t the first time being woken up with a handjob while she spoke dirty things into my ear. It was the first time someone was fucking her while she did it.

Mountain Friend pt 5 (mfm)


Once again, despite my growing jealousy, I ended up incredibly impressed with Nick. His bedroom was amazing. It was classy without being opulent. There were massive bay windows which opened onto a rather expansive balcony. Most of the space was open except for a laundry pile. The thought actually flew through my head that he wasn’t perfect. The little furniture that was present was black leather and dark woods.

The centerpiece of the room though was the king sized bed. It had burgundy sheets and an array of comfortable looking pillows. Nick quickly went to the gas fireplace and started it after opening the flue. It actually put off a ton of heat and took off the edge from the chill in the air.

We took care of the necessities and ended up staring at each other around the bed. Once again I couldn’t help but be intimidated by Nick’s impressive physique. He was still semi hard whereas I was completely flaccid. Worse, my penis was doing its best to hide from the cold.

“Well, I guess I’ll be in the middle.” Nick said.

Maria laughed and I sputtered for a second before Nick chuckled, “kidding, kidding.”

Breakup Makeup Maybe (mf)

Dating Annie had been up and down. On one hand she was sweet and one hell of a lay. On the other, we were only twenty one and she was talking about marriage and kids. Looking back it probably wouldn’t have been bad but I was a twenty one year old thinking of all the adventures yet to be had. I had been mulling over the relationship for a while now and gone back and forth between being resolved to end it and finding some reason it was a bad time. Ultimately it was just cowardice.

Finally though I had done it. It was a long drawn out affair which was possibly even worse than I imagined it would be. Now here I was, standing in the driveway and watching those red lights disappear down the street. She had been the first real long term relationship I had ever had and a mix of relief and heartache swirled through me. It was early evening and I just headed inside, happy at least to have it done.

Mountain Friends pt. 4 (mf)


We opened it up and there were a few decks labeled with various numbers of participants. There was a one on one, threesome and foursomes, group of friends, and orgy party. Maria plucked out the threesomes and foursomes deck as I unfolded the board. I laughed looking at it, “Its fucking Candyland…” I muttered. It was laid out very similarly with people in sexy positions instead of candy themed illustrations.

Maria then said, “Give everyone a totem.” There were about eight little metal pieces which looked like the Monopoly pieces but dirty. Maria handed me one of a man kneeling with his hands bound behind him and blindfolded. She took the dominatrix and handed Nick the dick and balls. At the moment I didn’t look closely but would have objected.

Nick had separated the card colors and laid them in their respective spots. They were labeled Sexy Secrets, Decadent Dares, Pervy Punishments, and Illicit Indulgences. He then placed our pieces at the start. “Is everyone ready?”

Maria rolled first with a seven coming up. She moved her piece and landed on the first Illicit Indulgence. Picking it up, she read, “Direct every other player to massage you for one minute.” She smiled, “Nick, please rub my back.”

Mountain Friends pt 3 (mf)


Nick gave a deep laugh as well, “Sorry to leave you there buddy. We were just thinking of waking you up to play some games. The night is young.”

“Games sound good,” I answered.

Suddenly, a loud boom sounded from outside and the electricity to the house turned off. Maria screamed and we all cursed loudly.

I scrambled to find my phone and turned on the flashlight. She had hugged Nick and buried her face in his chest. His arms were around her protectively and he was also feeling for his phone. In the light of my phone I could swear he had to move his penis to grab it but my mind was elsewhere.

“The fuck was that?” I exclaimed.

“Calm down buddy, it was probably just a transformer blowing or maybe a tree fell. Don’t worry, it happens.” His calm allowed me to relax and I calmed down.

“Why don’t you take your girlfriend and I’ll grab some candles.”

“Ok, that sounds good,” I said but Maria shook her head.

“I want to go with you.” Nick shrugged at me and then grabbed her by the shoulder and told her she could.

Mountain Friends part 2 (mf)


I woke up after about an hour feeling much refreshed despite some dreams that centered around Maria and Nick. I waited for my dick to calm down a bit then went to join the pair downstairs.

Whatever they were cooking smelled amazing. I turned the corner to enter the kitchen and froze. Maria was stirring a pot of something and Nick was standing behind her massaging her shoulders. He towered over her and his massive hands gently touching her skin. She was absent minded in her stirring and she had on hand gently resting on his while he rubbed her shoulders. Her face was blissful. Also her ass was resting against his crotch.

It was innocent in its way though, I couldn’t begrudge her a massage, especially after she had made dinner. “Hey guys, how’s it going in here?”

Maria jumped a little at me walking in but Nick just kept massaging her. “We’re good,” she eeked out, a little startled.

“Have you had her beef bolognese, buddy?” Nick asked.

“No, I haven’t,” I said flatly.

Mountain Friends (MF)

Just as an aside, I have a few chapters planned. There’s going to be some femdom, some cheating, light cucking, We’ll see where the rest of it goes. As always feel free to give feedback.


Maria moaned as I licked and sucked at her clit, wrapping her thick muscular brown thighs around my head while one hand massaged her nipple and the other was buried in my hair, pushing my face deeper into her cunt. Her hips moved in shuddering thrusts, using my face to stimulate her clit. I could barely breathe while she ground my face in and became a sopping mess of her juices. My own erection was desperate and called out for attention but with one hand wrapped around her thigh reaching for her luscious breasts and the other fingering her pussy and teasing her asshole, I was left to futilely hump the bed.

She was a vocal lover and her howls of pleasure drove me to continue licking as fast and hard as I could. My index and middle finger were jammed in her tight hole and I was making the come here motion with my fingers, stimulating her G spot. I finally removed them agave my tongue a rest as I moved my thumb over her nub before plunging it back inside. I slipped my lubricated finger down to her rosebud and pushed the tip into her sphincter. She moaned and pushed on my head again.

Moving into the Dorm (MF)

The sun peeked over the horizon as we approached the college where I would spend the next four years. My father, dutiful as he was, insisted we leave at barely 4 am so that he might make it back for afternoon preseason football. He hadn’t missed a weekend with the boys in four years and he wasn’t about to start now. I guess at least he was helping me haul stuff into the dorm room. My mother sat next to him, fanning herself with a paper fan as the morning warmed up.

We arrived near 8 am and in two hours had unloaded the truck and placed the boxes in the room. I shook my father’s hand and hugged mom goodbye and they were gone before 930. We had always been an efficient family. I unloaded everything and claimed one of the bunks. We were in a four person suite with two rooms and a small social area. My new roommates file in and I help them bring their stuff up.

Dinner and a Movie [MF]

It’s rare to find someone you can just be quiet with, often sharing silence can be more meaningful than chattering at one another. Sara’ large green eyes were staring back into mine, they were the color of emeralds in candlelight. Every now and then she would take a long blink as sleep threatened to overcome her. I wondered if she too was thinking of her partner, the jilted lover, unaware that another man was holding her lithe frame, my cum bathing her inner walls. I know I was thinking of my girlfriend. I felt my eyelids growing heavy too and I tried to take a mental image of this moment. Green eyes stared into mine, set into a pretty face framed with long, red hair. Her nose only inches from mine above kissable red lips. I leaned in and kissed her one last time before succumbing to sleep.