This was just last week. I’ve been thinking about it every since, and obviously can’t talk to anyone about it so I figured this would be a good way to share since it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life!
We were on a ski/snowboarding trip in the mountains in BC (that’s about as specific as I will get to protect his identity). It was my fiance and I, as well as a few of his friends and one of their girlfriends. We rented a condo right on the hill, so it was 5 days of skiing, hot tubbing and drinks. My fiance both skis and snowboards, where as I am an experienced skier that just this year is attempting to learn to snowboard. I skied for the first 2 days, then on the 3rd day, my fiance agreed to hang back from the rest of the group and try teach me to board. That’s where thing started to go wrong! It’d be an understatement to say it didn’t come natural to me, and I could tell he was getting frustrated, then I was getting frustrated at his frustration and my inability to catch on. By the end of the day, I had enough and I’m pretty sure he was regretting getting me the snowboard for Christmas. We were barely talking to each other.