Chronicles of a horny weirdo deviant: Flattery will get you everywhere Pt. 1 of 2 [MF]

I’m an extremely self-satisfied asshole that loves to listen to myself talk and this writing exercise really got away from me, so if you want to skip to Where It Gets Horny, go ahead and use your browsers find in page function to search for “pause” and read from there

A note about me: I’m using [M] tags for me because I’m 6’6” barefoot and have a dick that I quite like, but I’m one of those great big scary queer weirdos that your youth pastor warned you would be in the Big City, but putting [GenderQueer] in the title seems like it would invite more confusion and teachable moments than I want to deal with in a Horny Subreddit. It’s not super important in this story but I want to write more. Gender is *hard*, OK? All I know is I can’t sit in chairs normal or do math, and I’m certainly not a man. If you *must* post about your attack helicopter bullshit, I’m going to look for you, I’m going to find you, and I’m going to seduce you, make you question everything you’ve ever known about your sexuality, and then ghost your calls forever. My entire aesthetic is perfectly captured in this image: