Friends with pleasurable benefits [F/M] [oral sex] [long] [unprotected sex] [multiple orgasms]

I glanced across the table at my best friend J, laughing with the other people around the table playing cards. None of us knew how to play the game our friend Lou, whose house we were at, was trying to teach us, but it was entertaining and the evening was fading to late night almost imperceptibly. J met my eyes, his own twinkling with laughter and a touch of cheap wine. He winked at me and I blushed, grinning at him. We had been sort of a thing off and on for a few weeks now, mostly steamy texts, making out at the movies, and groping each other in the corner at parties, though we had been good friends for much longer than that. In response to my flushed cheeks, his expression changed to a smug, cheeky smirk; he mimed a toothy snarl and licked his lips. Somehow his goofy attempt at seducing me from across the table and pile of cards was halfway successful and my heart did that little flip it does when you think about something exciting. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed, both of us tuning back into the game.