Girl in the mirror [masturbation] [self-love]

Tall, young, feminist, who always loves to be the one in control, this is how I’ll describe myself. I love to be the one in power. My ex, with whom I was living with for almost 6 months, also accepted and loved me the way I am. He always loved to put me in charge. We enjoyed the sweetness of power and decadence, lighting us equally on fire. Deliciously self-indulgent. Well, after we broke-up I switched to another town for my studies. New town, new girl scenes. I had no lovers to entertain -helpless me. I was living with my roommate. One day, my roommate was gonna be out for a complete day. I was alone. I couldn’t contain myself. I asked her what time she’d be home. Tomorrow morning, she said. That night, it was nine o’clock. I  cleaned my room, my bed, etc. 

Aphrodite: [lesbian]

Walking down the streets of Dallas, trying not to look like a new dyke in town, who just came from Frisco specifically to get laid. Just broke up with the only other dyke in Frisco, so when a job opportunity in Dallas showed up, there was no way it was getting rejected. It’s not easy to find a cute chick who might like a black-haired, tall, brown girl from Frisco. Wandering in bars, backstreets after an 11-5 job is the routine. Sometimes a cute girl might pass by, if you’re lucky she might smile, but then will ignore you and will be on her way. People in Texas will tell you that Dallas has the most beautiful women in the world. Well, they are certainly not wrong.

It’s Spring time, contrary to the weather, – lots of skin is around you. Campus chicks, in their tight blue jeans and crop tops wandering around here and there in cafes and bookshops, not caring about the cold weather. You have your sweatshirt in the bag, but just for the sake of finding that cute chick, you are determined not to wear it.