Untitled erotic romance story! [Fdom] [MSub] [Pegging]

Chapter One

For Samara, marriage was a dream that she never really had, she never met the perfect guy who would be her rock and her partner for life. As a child, she would love bossing around the boys and teasing them, her mother, Elizabeth was very much the breadwinner of the family. Her father, Sean was a househusband rising Samara while Elizabeth was working and putting food on the table. Her mother and father never married believing it was unnecessary, Samara grew the same sentiment as she got older, but due to her unusual family dynamic, Samara slowly began to develop a personality which was both dominating and yet very sweet.

When she was 15, she had her first boyfriend, a sweet young man named Dylan who was shy, but was confident enough to ask Samara out on a date. They were with each other all the time back in high school, however Dylan was being bullied and teased by the other boys because of he was so called “pussy whipped!”. Samara was known to be a little dominant in their relationship, carrying all the wrong traits that her mother had. Dylan broke up with Samara and told her it was because of the bulling happening around him and he hated how she bossed him around.