The time I messaged a gonewilder. Part 1 [M/F]

I found you browsing reddit gonewild. I particularly liked the shape and size of your breasts along with the form of your body. I decided to check out your profile for more pictures. What a beautiful pussy. Oh and a buttplug too! I've never messaged anyone before but there were a few things in your profile that stood out. A kink that I just happen to fit. I sent you a short simple message. One that included my face not expecting a reply. After my masturbation session, I turned the computer off and went to sleep.

The next day, I logged onto my reddit account I dedicated for all my favorite NSFW subreddits. I noticed an orange letter. I got excited, I never got one of these before. It was from the gonewild woman from yesterday! She said I was attractive and was interested in chatting. She asked if I had skype. I was a little apprehensive. I've never had a woman interested in me before. All those nervous feelings you get, I was getting them all at that moment. In the end, I decided to add her.