Hermione Granger and the Succubus Stone [MF]

Greetings fellow smut writers.

I’ve been a longtime member of this subreddit and some of you might have read some of my older prompts before. This is new territory for me, for I wish to share a prompt written by myself and a talented writer “she who should not be named.” If that wasn’t clear enough, my partner wishes to keep her identity a secret so she doesn’t get spammed with messages. If you are a mod, she sent a message stating such.

The premise of this story takes place one year later after the death of Lord Voldemort. The war left the wizarding world in pieces, many died, none more important than Harry Potter himself. Now, a year later, the wizarding world is picking up the pieces. Hogwarts has reopened its doors, with the great Albus Dumbledore as acting headmaster. Hermione Granger, the only survivor of the trio, returns to Hogwarts just before her 19th birthday to finish her studies. With the death of her friends still looming over her, Hermione ventures into the restricted section to learn about ancient secrets that could bring back her friends.

This is part 1 of a multiple part series.

The Seeker and the Rain God

Before the industrial revolution and the technological boom, the world was a much stranger place. In the Americas, before European boats sailed across the Atlantic, the lands of New Mexico were home to many gods. Unlike the Abrahamic denomination, the Native Americans deities juxtaposed nature itself. Many of these deities lived in isolation, while others were worshiped by the indigenous tribes. The Zuni tribe were one of these tribes. Native to the deserts of New Mexico, the Zuni’s relied on Tó Neinilii, the ‘water sprinkler,’ or rain god to bless the tribe with enough water to feed their crops. The Seeker was the arbiter to Tó Neinilii. A position held by the same bloodline for hundreds of years. The first born daughter of each line, the Seeker was the mouthpiece for the rain god.

Aviana, the tenth Seeker of the Zuni tribe ascended Mount Pah. A woman of eighteen, Aviana’s task was an impossible one, bringing rain to her dying village. Aviana climbed the dirt path to the summit, dressed in her ceremonial Seeker attire. Leather wraps covered her arms from elbow to wrist, trinkets dangling from each strap. Her top constricted her chest, outlining a rather busty woman of eighteen. Her skirt flared up in the breeze as she climbed, revealing her brown pigmented skin with each strut in her leather boots. Her hair was braided back into a knot resting on her cranium.

Mr. Chiellini and the Temptress

Hello – this a rough draft of a play I was itching to write. It is based on an older gentleman traveling to Italy to scattered his wife’s ashes when he is tempted by a young seductress. I took 2 years of Italian and I can say without a doubt I can’t remember a lick. I used google translator for the Italian parts. I actually wrote this in 1 sitting today and the word count is almost 4k words. I haven’t edited it completely, but I wanted to post it on here if anyone is interested in reading it.

Kinks – age difference, seducing, toys, breeding, and more.


Mr. Chiellini and the Temptress