The night it all started [M/M]

I'm fairly new to Reddit and to honest I've been mainly using it to explore my sexual side. I've read a few gone wild stories and thought I might share one of my own.

This is true but it's also a dream I had. I thought it might be relevant because it was the start of me exploring a side I didn't know I had. Also sharing that side with my wife and where that may be leading. Any way if this isn't the type of story I should share here I can take it down.

I should start by saying this dream was easily the most vivid I've ever had and may have been a sort of lucid dream if I'm understanding them correctly. I haven't had a dream so vivid since and I don't know if I ever will again. Also I have always been and until this considered myself straight. This was the first time that I can think of having any type of sexual thought about another man that shook me at all. With that said my story is below.