Dr. Sylvia or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Loved Being Nude Near Her Mom [MF] FINALE

*For more than a year, ominous rumors have been privately circulating among high level* gossipers at my high school. Everyone mentioned below is 18 or has recently turned 19 years old. Except Sylvia’s mom who is in her late 40s. [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l4ekgz/dr_sylvia_or_how_i_learned_to_stop_worrying_and/) is about the very first time Sylvia and I hooked up. [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l4wnxx/dr_sylvia_or_how_i_learned_to_stop_worrying_and/) details our second encounter.

Things have been friendly but only platonic between Sylvia and myself since that April evening in her den. She isn’t dating someone who’s not me, so that’s good. But I’ve been wanting more benefits to go with our friendship for almost 2 months now. And I’ll find out she feels the same way when my parents leave town during June of our senior year. It’s finally my turn to host some debauchery. I gather together 2 flats of tallboys, 2 packs of Camel wides, a half ounce of weed, and a handle of vodka… *shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff*. Between the twenty-odd people I invited on this Saturday afternoon, these basic supplies last less than 8 hours.

Dr. Sylvia or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Loved Being Nude Near Her Mom [MF] PART 2

Everyone mentioned is 18 years old when these events take place. [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l4ekgz/dr_sylvia_or_how_i_learned_to_stop_worrying_and/) is mostly background and has details about the first time I ate Sylvia out. Below is another 5 paragraphs of introduction, then I’m going to try to focus more on the unforgettable erotica that ensued.

It’s been a few weeks since I treated her to that no-reciprocation-necessary munch session. We’ve hung out several times, always with our other friends around too. Seems like nothing has really changed at all between Sylvia and I, which is great. We’re really good friends. And I don’t think she’s told anyone about what we did in my car that night after John’s party.

We finally ended up alone again together on a midweek evening during spring break. We’ve been hanging in a park in a larger group, spending all day working our way through some 30 racks of light beer, and now we are sitting a good 10 feet away from the rest of our friends. I spark a joint near sunset and she noticed when I took it out that I also have one more.

Dr. Sylvia or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Loved Being Nude Near Her Mom [MF] PART 1

Everyone mentioned is 18 years old when this all takes place. This part of my life starts a few months after [my virginity story](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l3mw6s/ok_heres_how_i_really_lost_my_virginity_mf/) wraps up, and you might want to read [this one first](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l353zp/how_i_lost_my_virginity_in_a_car_with_5_other/) as well for even more background. But you really don’t have to read either of my other prior posts, this story will stand up just fine on it’s own.

It’s early spring, during my senior year of high school. John is hosting a party while his parents are away. It’s gonna be a proper Friday night rager. He skipped school and spent all day locking up valuables and barricading certain rooms. My buddy Kevin is bringing a keg. It’s been sitting in the trunk of his car in the school parking lot getting warm all day. I know John mostly through Kevin. John goes to a different school than Kevin and I, we had only hung out a handful of times prior, but we have more than a few mutual friends.

OK. Here’s how I really lost my virginity. [MF]

Everyone mentioned below is 18 years old. You might want to read this [other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l353zp/how_i_lost_my_virginity_in_a_car_with_5_other/) of mine before you read this one. And if you read the comments from that last post of mine and came here for the DDR, I promise the introduction below will not disappoint you.

I was moderately obsessed with Dance Dance Revolution for about 16 months in my late teens. Yes, it was a phase. No, I haven’t kept up with the game, it’s been at least 5 years since I’ve last played. This story starts in approximately month 14 of my obsession phase. I was fucking good at that game by this time. I could consistently score SDGs on my favorite songs on heavy mode. Anyone else who came around and put up scores like mine was always a total bar-raper. I was all about playing with some style. And I was starting to learn doubles mode too but hated how it was 2x as expensive.

How I lost my virginity in a car with 5 other people. [MFF]

Everyone involved was 18 years old when this happened. It was our senior year of high school. I was enjoying a warm Saturday, it had been a full day of drinking cheap beer outdoors, smoking cigarettes, and of course smoking weed. I had fallen asleep for a couple hours in my friend Kevin’s basement. Woke up shortly after dusk and I went upstairs to raid his parents’ fridge. My buddy Jeff is there in the kitchen, more people had been around earlier but it was down to just us three now. I’m feeling good, still slightly buzzed and enjoying some deli turkey straight from the pouch, when Kevin bursts out laughing and I hear him say into his phone-

“Kailey said she will do what?”

A smile takes hold of my face. I think of Kailey’s thin frame, tiny waist, blonde hair, and sexy curves. She usually came to school in tight jeans or shorts that showed off her ample ass. On top she’d have on a little spaghetti strap that showed her belly button, and a push up underneath that made her tits pop. Kevin is just outside the kitchen, on the deck, smoking a cig, and continues into the phone-

[MF] Just took a huge dose of edible THC. Typically this gets very interesting.

For background, I have a high marijuana tolerance. Usually when I take a dose this large, maybe about 150mg THC, which I do once every few months, I’ll have an extremely powerful erection when I come down. Or if I took it in the evening, I’ll wake up the next morning with some serious wood.

Last time I took a dose like this, back in November, my partner took a bath about 6hrs into my high. I was zoned out on the couch watching HBO reruns, then some boobies came on screen and my cock shoots up like a rocket headed to Mars. I walk down the hall to approach her bath. She can tell by one glance at my shorts what I want and goes from laying down to up on her knees. She turns to face me, hands on the edge of the tub, her perky b cups and slim waist are lightly covered with bubbles. I reach out to grab her right tit and flick her nipple a few times as she forces my shorts and boxers elastic waste-bands past my over-swollen member.