[MF] Hooked on my neighbor (this is not spam)

The links posted are to previously posted stories of our adventures.

So First let me apologize for not posting an update on my story. I am amazed at the feed back and messages from some of you. Here are the links to the first two stories if this is your first time reading about my adventures with Tara my neighbor.



So I have been sleeping with my neighbor across the street. I am divorced and she is married. I right this story because I figure if you are hear you aren’t judgemental. This particular occasion actually had me thinking but more on that later. We have been having sex on and off sense April. It is at a point now where I get lovely text messages from her a couple of times a week. Pics and video clips that instantly have me ready to fuck or rub one out for a release. I wish I could share them because Tara is one sexy woman. She is average height with an a nice thick ass, Double D breasts, soft skin, I mean just damn. She thinks she is fat, but she isn’t anywhere near fat. Some may say chubby but she has curves in all the right places and for me any extra weight she carries is just extra flavor for me. I don’t complain. But that is not why you are here…lol

[MF] Round two with my neighbor (This isn’t spam)

I have been trying to post this story but it keeps getting deleted. So here is on more shot. I hope you enjoy it.

About two months ago I posted a story of my first sexual encounter with my neighbor oh here. This is the story of our second time together.


I am happy to say that we have been able to get together a few more times sense. Here is the second time I was able to fuck her. I hope you enjoy.

So with everything that is going on in the world I am still working remote from home. My kids were with their mom being they are out of school. Just going through my daily routine things were just ok. The time sense I was taken totally by surprise and fucked my neighbor (we will continue to call her Tara). I have to admit that I have replayed that moment in my head on a number of occasions and have had some solid releases as a result. We have seen each other and exchanged glances knowing that our secret hovers over our head. It is quite a turn on to see her walk to her car and glance over smiling and even on one occasion cupping one of her tits teasing me. I just lick my lips and reminisce.

[MF] Helping a neighbor out…


Long time lurker this is my first post.

So let me give you a back story.  I am separated, 3 kids.  I am renting a home until everything is finalized and I can buy my own place.  So my kids are with me right now because I am working from home and they were doing virtual learning.  

I have neighbors across the street, (I will call them Ian and Tara), they have a little boy 5 years old.  I have lived here about 2 1/2 years and we get a long good  help each other in the yard, that type of stuff.  Never nothing out of the ordinary.  Just being friendly.  Well one day I was changing the oil on my truck and Tara came over because she wanted help mounting the TV in their bedroom.  Ian was at his parents checking on them and wanted it done before he got back.