[FM] A very different visit to a pub

“But why are they always so old?” my flatmate asked loudly. We’d been talking about celebrity crushes, and she quickly picked up a pattern to mine… Pierce Brosnan, Robert Downey Jr, my flatmate had spotted a pattern that I couldn’t deny. It was a cold mid-December evening and we’d been drinking for quite a while, our conversation getting more giggly and excitable. “So you’re telling me you’d… I dunno… blow a guy that age if he was into you?” she asked. “Yeah, I would” was my stubborn reply – as well as somewhat drunk, I was a little annoyed at her querying my taste in guys and didn’t want to give in.

“Right!” she said, banging on the table to be deliberately dramatic. “Prove it!” After laughing, I asked her how. “I bet you that you wouldn’t dare to suck off an older guy in the next month”. Of course, I insisted that I would to back up my point. “Then prove it!” she reiterated. Again, I asked her how. “I dunno, however you like… there must be loads of guys here that won’t say no to that!”