My First Threesome (F/F/M)

We were out having drinks and K decided she wanted to go to the pool and offered one of her bikinis to wear. We went inside and changed into our bikinis.

It was just another guy with us goes by B, K, F, and myself and we all finally decided to go down to the pool. K got in first and waded around. I followed and we just dipped our toes to see how cold it was. K decided to go a little deeper and was freaking out about how cold the water was. I told her the only way to get over it was to just dunk herself, then I dove in the water. It was fairly cold salty water. We are all walking, swimming around at this point. K comes up to me and puts her hands down my swim bottom and asked if she could do this, and have this? I said yes, and I followed with putting my hands down her swim bottom.