How I ended up in bed [F]ooling around with [M]y friend’s dad! Part 2 (At Long Last)

Hey everyone, long time no see. It’s me, Suzie. You may remember me[ posting this thread ages ago about me fucking my friend’s dad]( I got an overwhelming and extremely positive feedback, and then my depression hit me like a 6 ton anchor and I wrote half of this, but lost the motivation to keep going and sort of retreated into myself. Anyway! I’m back now with a brand new banger, or at the very least, the sequel to the last story! The second time me and my friend’s dad smashed!

To re/answer a few questions from last time: No, my friend never found out. We were friends for a long while by this point, though at this point in our friendship and the distance that college created, our relationship had waned to some degree, though in the past 3-4 years we’ve actually reconnected and are very good friends now. I also only ever fucked her dad during that summer; afterwards, I left town and I never moved back, so I haven’t seen him since. Again also; this took place in America, and yes, he was married, though their marriage had a lot of tension and was not necessarily healthy one. And as always, I’m down to chat or talk to people about this stuff if anyone’s interested!

How I ended up in bed [F]ooling around with [M]y friend’s dad.

Hey /r/gonewildstories, I’m Suzie from /r/dirtypenpals, where I’m a not-frequent poster but a decently common lurker. While chatting with someone about my sexual history, it somehow came up that I had sex with my friend’s dad when I was 19. While recounting it, I realized that talking about it was getting me worked up, so I posted up a thread about chatting about it. While regaling a very lovely women about my exploits with my friend’s dad, she told me I have lovely writing (how nice!) and that I should post the story completely written out, so here I am!

These events all took place when I was 19, and to answer a few questions I received over and over; no, my friend never found out (that I know of!) and yes, he was married. As for the rest of the details, well, I’ll get into all of that now. Warning for my femme friends who are sensitive to words, I do use the *c-*word in this story once or twice. This story takes place in America, and also involves both parties cheating, myself included.
