Bath fun is only the start of the foreplay, share with me how it ends in chat/DMs…

“Okay beautiful”, I call you into the bathroom, lit just by candles, water a light rose shade of pink, bubbles swelling and popping high on top, perfect symmetry for the intense explosion you will be feeling soon. I move toward you, place my hands on your hips and pull you in, my lips meet yours, firm but gentle (just like you like ;) my hands caress your your hips working down to the bottom of your jumper which I start to slowly lift up your body until over your head and I toss it to the side, followed by my hands running softly over your breasts, under your arms and around the back to open the clasp and let it drop to the floor. A mild pause, overwhelmed by your beauty, “Wow”, I lean back in to taste your soft lips on mine, your breasts pressed against me, before I pull away for a longer pause this time as my eyes move up and down your body patiently, running my fingers softly over where my eyes look, muttering like a mantra…so beautiful…so sexy, I bite my lip with desire.