My girlfriend and I had some amazing make up sex! [MF]

A little backstory: I have posted about some of our exploits. The lead up of her and I making up might be a little long. If you wish to skip all of that, the juicy part starts at the fifth paragraph.

The first story is here: [](

The second is here:


For the sake of the story I’ll call her Laura (Not her real name)

Her and I had a rough breakup. It ended in an argument that had building up and came to a head one ugly night. Nothing physical, just some shitty words exchanged on both of our parts. There was a lot of anger and hostility over the next few weeks until we both calmed down to the point that we could be civil and talk like adults again. I called her to let her know she had some mail at my house that she needed and made arrangements to meet her to give them to her along with a few of her other things that I found around the house. We ended up talking about the fact that we do have a lot of common friends and we do attend a lot of the same functions and events through various charities we both support. My main goal was just to get things to where it won’t be awkward or shitty when we do run into one another at these different places. We ended up discussing and talking through some of what happened the night of the fight and the problems leading up to it, some of which neither of us was aware were as bad as they ended up becoming. We agreed to be civil to each other and possibly get to the point where her and I could be friends again – but nothing more than that.

[MF] My current GF and I – first time

This story is from when my current girlfriend (We’ll call her Laura for the story) and I met. I had actually known her from when we grew up, but she’s 5 years younger, so at the time wasn’t on my radar for anything more than the fact that I did notice that I just knew she was going to be smokin’ hot as she grew up. We ran with a lot of the same group of friends. Long story short, I left for the Navy when I graduated, She moved from Ohio to Florida, and actually did some modeling when she was in her twenties. Fast forward 25 years or so through which time we had both been married, divorced and/or widowed, had kids, yada, yada, yada. We reconnected on FB through some common friends. She messaged me. At the time I didn’t remember her, but had one of those Holy Shit moments when the light clicked on and I remembered her as this skinny teen with braces and incredible eyes that I knew all those years ago.