The time I took control [FM]

This is my first time writing something for this sub, although I’ve been a fan for years. To follow typical formatting, I’ll first tell you a bit about myself and the man in the story. I’m in my early twenties, 5’3, red hair, blue eyes, pale skin. I’m on the slimmer side but definitely very curvy with little tits and pierced nipples. Jake is in his late twenties, maybe 5’9, dirty blonde hair, average build, not a huge cock but thick enough to please.

I’ve had a promiscuous past but have recently started seeing someone exclusively. I met Jake in October and while he tried to get my attention from the beginning I kind of pushed him away. Until one night in December where we went out to a show, had a blast, and realized we couldn’t stay away from each other. Over the past month we’ve spent a lot of time together…most nights of the week we sleep at my place or his.

The sex was the only thing I wasn’t sold on. I’m naturally a sub and nothing gets me going like a man who takes charge, but it was apparent that wasn’t his thing. Don’t get me wrong, we had sex, but he didn’t seem like a very sexual/passionate person. But I really enjoyed spending time with him, so I decided to give it some time.