Kate and her husband Josh were 3 hours into a 8 hour drive, she tried sleeping to avoid nagging Josh about his driving, his tendency to drift whatever direction his head went, but sleep had been evading her for that very reason and like a reflex blurted out complaints, a simple solution was just to let her drive, she knew how to use the cruise control and wasn’t so easily distracted but like most men, her husband got stubborn about his ability behind the wheel, by the last 30 minutes of their trip neither was hiding their desire to not be in the car with each other.
Alycia and Tony greeted their friends as they pulled up the drive to their cabin, by the look on both their faces, they badly needed a drink and a few minutes apart, Tony seemed to notice as well, asking her to take Kate inside and pour her a glass of wine, while he helped Josh with the bags. Alycia told Kate she would give her the tour later, grabbing a couple bottles of wine on the way to the dock, they climbed up on her husband’s pride and joy, a 25 foot Yamaha SX250.