Something I’m not used to [FM]

So here’s some backstory. My boyfriend (20) and I (20) joined a co-ed frat at college. One of the requirements is a social event with alcohol. So we chose the most convenient event at the time which was a barn dance. We were planning on pre-gaming at a friend’s apartment, but once reaching the friend’s place,we realized that we forgot our bracelets. So my boyfriend ran back to the dorm to get them. While at the apartment, I was peer pressured into drinking at least 4 shots in under half an hour. I have a high base tolerance for being small Asian girl, so taking those shots just made me tipsy,but not drunk. My boyfriend, on the other hand, is a lightweight and 2 beers could do him in if he drinks quickly.

So the pregame finished and my boyfriend said he would just meet us at the bus stop.
After seeing him , I instantly hugged him cause I was cold and dressed pretty lightly. A grey tank top, oversized blue flannel, and skin tight black leggings. My boyfriend and I usually never show PDA more than holding hands, we keep those things behind closed doors. When the bus arrived, we piled in, with at least 3-4 people per seat. Mind you this is a school bus and the seats are small and cramped. As a result, I ended up sitting on my boyfriend’s lap next to 2 friends (a boy and a girl) in the same position as well.(They weren’t dating).