Harry Potter and Hogwarts pervert (part 3)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

Michael was still reeling from his progress the night before, so he decided to put the other part of his plan into action.

He was walking around the library checking each row, when finally he spotted her. It was the sexy little book worm herself, Hermione.

She was standing midway up a ladder, looking at the back of a thick, old looking book. Her ass looked amazing from this view. Whereas Ms Davies was big and thick, Hermione’s was smaller and tight. He liked variety, which is why she was the perfect girl to go after alongside Ms. Davies. Small, thin frame, with perky b-cup tits.

He needed a reason to talk to her, and it came to him immediately. He pulled out his wand and cast a spell on the ladder. It tipped backwards and Hermione started to fall. He ran over and caught her.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 2)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.

This is part 2 of a story I posted yesterday. People seemed to like it, so I’ll keep posting. This part has quite a lot of build-up, so sorry for that, but I think theres still some hot stuff in here. Plus, I find it boring to just go from sex scene to sex scene. I think the build up, or teasing, makes the sex stuff much hotter. Ms. Davies is an original character, who I modelled after Hayley Attwell, if you’re wanting a visual. Enjoy)

News about Michael Corner fucking Ginny Weasley traveled fast. It seemed that everybody had heard about the Ravenclaw keepers consolation prize. Still stung by the Gryffindor win, the Ravenclaws found solace in gloating about Ginny Weasley’s fucking. Ginny seemed embarrassed, but didn’t make too much of it.

Harry was planning on getting revenge on Michael by playing a prank on him. He grabbed his invisibility cloak and set off for the Ravenclaw common room. Harry was walking down the corridor near the Ravenclaw tower one day when he saw Ginny emerge from an unused classroom. She was closely followed by Michael Corner.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 2)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.

This is part 2 of a story I posted yesterday. People seemed to like it, so I’ll keep posting. This part has quite a lot of build-up, so sorry for that, but I think theres still some hot stuff in here. Plus, I find it boring to just go from sex scene to sex scene. I think the build up, or teasing, makes the sex stuff much hotter. Ms. Davies is an original character, who I modelled after Hayley Attwell, if you’re wanting a visual. Enjoy)

News about Michael Corner fucking Ginny Weasley traveled fast. It seemed that everybody had heard about the Ravenclaw keepers consolation prize. Still stung by the Gryffindor win, the Ravenclaws found solace in gloating about Ginny Weasley’s fucking. Ginny seemed embarrassed, but didn’t make too much of it.

Harry was planning on getting revenge on Michael by playing a prank on him. He grabbed his invisibility cloak and set off for the Ravenclaw common room. Harry was walking down the corridor near the Ravenclaw tower one day when he saw Ginny emerge from an unused classroom. She was closely followed by Michael Corner.

Harry Potter cuckolding story

The stadium erupted as Harry flew back down to the ground, the snitch wriggling in his hand. He landed and was immediately bombarded by hordes of people in red and gold. He pushed his way through the crowd searching for his team. He spotted flaming red hair pushing through the crowd as Ginny came up to him, sporting a massive grin.

“Great catch, Harry!” She yelled, as she embraced him.

He couldn’t resist smelling her hair as he held her, possibly a little too long. Finally they separated as he forced himself away from her to locate his other team mates through the sea of red and gold.

He shook hands, hugged, received applause, and celebrated with what seemed like every Gryffindor in the school.

He saw a Ravenclaw player a good distance away from the Gryffindors. It was Michael Corner, and he was accompanied by Ginny Weasley. Harry knew they used to date and because of this, he didn’t like Michael. But, as Gryffindor captain, he needed to do his duty. He pulled himself away from the crowd and walked towards Ginny and Michael.

Categorized as Erotica

Anyone want to finish a sister cuckold story? Prompt

(I wrote this this morning, but got a little bored, because I knew where I was going to take it. Thats my problem with writing erotica, I can’t really surprise myself. So, if you’re wanting to write a cuckoldish story, but don’t know where to start, here you go. My only request is that you send me what you wrote once you’re done. Even if you don’t finish it send it my way, and maybe I’ll carry on from there)

Mark sat in bed, awaiting the annoying sound of his alarm clock. He always woke up before it, and liked to spend that time laying in bed thinking, but today he was just anxious. This particular morning he was thinking about rent. Mark didn’t know how he was going to pay it. He’d had some car troubles earlier that month that required a lot money. And seeing as his car was his living, it was unavoidable.

Mark heard a door close and footsteps across the living room to the kitchen.

A twinge of guilt ran through him as he heard those footsteps that were no doubt headed towards the coffee maker.

Harry Potter erotica (a cuckolding story)

(This is my first attempt at writing erotica. I’m not the most patient, so it’s a bit bare bones. Its a little degrading and definitely not for everyone. Hope you like it.)

The stadium erupted as Harry flew back down to the ground, the snitch wriggling in his hand. He landed and was immediately bombarded by hordes of people in red and gold. He pushed his way through the crowd searching for his team. He spotted flaming red hair pushing through the crowd as Ginny came up to him, sporting a massive grin.

“Great catch, Harry!” She yelled, as she embraced him.

He couldn’t resist smelling her hair as he held her, possibly a little too long. Finally they separated as he forced himself away from her to locate his other team mates through the sea of red and gold.

He shook hands, hugged, received applause, and celebrated with what seemed like every Gryffindor in the school.

He saw a Ravenclaw player a good distance away from the Gryffindors. It was Michael Corner, and he was accompanied by Ginny Weasley. Harry knew they used to date and because of this, he didn’t like Michael. But, as Gryffindor captain, he needed to do his duty. He pulled himself away from the crowd and walked towards Ginny and Michael.