What I saw in the room

Couldn’t think of a decent name.

This story has degradation, netorare, voyeurism?, and bullying.


I move the door as quietly as I could. Not daring to latch it, I leave it an inch ajar. Almost like an x-ray, I don’t see the door, but whats on the other side, as I back away from the scene I just witnessed. Breathing heavily, I knock into a picture frame, barely feeling the pain shoot through my elbow. Standing as still as possible, I stare at the door, listening for the sound of panicked movement on the other side. Theres silence as I try to regain control of my breathing. My heart tries to burst through my chest, and I’m sure the thud is heard beyond the door. Unsure if I want the two beyond to wrench the door open, or if I prefer it to stay closed, I wait for them to make the decision.

“…thought I heard something.” I hear half a sentence uttered from the voice of a familiar man, and my blood boils as I realize the view I saw moments before was no hallucination or mistake. “Put me back in your mouth.”

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 12)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

Receiving a great view of Hermione’s spread pussy, Ginny bit her lip, and Michael just said “mmmm.”

Michael started to move in, but Ginny stopped him.

“You already got a taste.” Said the bicurious redhead, and she crawled on the huge bed after Hermione, positioning herself between her friends legs.

Hermione watched Ginny, as she stared at her exposed vagina, her hands rubbing around her thighs.

“Someones excited.” Said Ginny, lowering herself and popping her ass in the air. Ginny smiled as she lowered her face, smelling Hermione’s musky scent.

Hermione’s eyes closed as Ginny’s tongue found her pussy, pleasing her with long slow licks.

“How do you like the taste?” Asked Michael, positioning himself behind Ginny, spreading her cheeks, and preparing to eat her out.

“She tastes great.” Said Ginny, between licks. “I see why you love eating pussy so much ungh!” Michaels tongue had found Ginny’s twat and was licking away, and Ginny set off back to work. She was licking a moaning Hermione, and moaning as Michael licked her.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 12)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

Receiving a great view of Hermione’s spread pussy, Ginny bit her lip, and Michael just said “mmmm.”

Michael started to move in, but Ginny stopped him.

“You already got a taste.” Said the bicurious redhead, and she crawled on the huge bed after Hermione, positioning herself between her friends legs.

Hermione watched Ginny, as she stared at her exposed vagina, her hands rubbing around her thighs.

“Someones excited.” Said Ginny, lowering herself and popping her ass in the air. Ginny smiled as she lowered her face, smelling Hermione’s musky scent.

Hermione’s eyes closed as Ginny’s tongue found her pussy, pleasing her with long slow licks.

“How do you like the taste?” Asked Michael, positioning himself behind Ginny, spreading her cheeks, and preparing to eat her out.

“She tastes great.” Said Ginny, between licks. “I see why you love eating pussy so much ungh!” Michaels tongue had found Ginny’s twat and was licking away, and Ginny set off back to work. She was licking a moaning Hermione, and moaning as Michael licked her.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 11)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

A few days later Hermione sat outside with Ginny, in the bright, warm sunshine. They were each doing their homework, and occasionally pausing to talk about this and that.

Since revealing her little secret, Hermione had been spending the majority of her time with her red-headed friend. No longer having any reason to avoid her, she was happy to have a friend that she could confide in.

As much as Hermione still missed Ron and Harry, she wasn’t willing to spend that much time around Lavender, and couldn’t bring herself to lie to Harry. And so she stayed away from them both, sticking with her one female friend instead.

It also was nice to be around someone so open and free. And the more time Hermione spent with Ginny, the more she realized just how adventurous Ginny was.

Not only had she been with Michael Corner, but she had also been with Dean Thomas, Ernie MacMillan, and, to Hermione’s great surprise, little Colin Creevey.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 11)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

A few days later Hermione sat outside with Ginny, in the bright, warm sunshine. They were each doing their homework, and occasionally pausing to talk about this and that.

Since revealing her little secret, Hermione had been spending the majority of her time with her red-headed friend. No longer having any reason to avoid her, she was happy to have a friend that she could confide in.

As much as Hermione still missed Ron and Harry, she wasn’t willing to spend that much time around Lavender, and couldn’t bring herself to lie to Harry. And so she stayed away from them both, sticking with her one female friend instead.

It also was nice to be around someone so open and free. And the more time Hermione spent with Ginny, the more she realized just how adventurous Ginny was.

Not only had she been with Michael Corner, but she had also been with Dean Thomas, Ernie MacMillan, and, to Hermione’s great surprise, little Colin Creevey.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 10)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

The next few days for Harry were miserable. Not quite sure where his outburst came from, he wished he could take it back. It was something he said in the heat of the moment, the dirtiest thought that came to him. It didn’t really mean anything… did it?

During those days, spent well away from Ms. Davies, Harry had plenty of time to think. And yet, after all that time deep in contemplation, the answer still wasn’t clear.

He told himself that theres no way he’d actually want to see that happen. Having already seen it, he hated Michael for it. However, there was also no denying that if his body hadn’t been petrified solid at the time, he probably would’ve had an erection. But is that maybe just because of Ms. Davies? He had spent so much time wondering what she looked like naked and he finally got to see it. Perhaps it had nothing to do with Michael? But perhaps it did. As confused as ever, the only thing Harry knew for certain is that he shouldn’t have said it.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 10)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

The next few days for Harry were miserable. Not quite sure where his outburst came from, he wished he could take it back. It was something he said in the heat of the moment, the dirtiest thought that came to him. It didn’t really mean anything… did it?

During those days, spent well away from Ms. Davies, Harry had plenty of time to think. And yet, after all that time deep in contemplation, the answer still wasn’t clear.

He told himself that theres no way he’d actually want to see that happen. Having already seen it, he hated Michael for it. However, there was also no denying that if his body hadn’t been petrified solid at the time, he probably would’ve had an erection. But is that maybe just because of Ms. Davies? He had spent so much time wondering what she looked like naked and he finally got to see it. Perhaps it had nothing to do with Michael? But perhaps it did. As confused as ever, the only thing Harry knew for certain is that he shouldn’t have said it.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 9)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

The next week flew by in the wake of Harry and Hermione’s failed attempt to find Michaels memories. After a short conversation they had both agreed that they’d set aside their vendetta. Just for the time being. They both still wanted to see Michael expelled, and wanted to be the ones responsible, but they had nothing to go on. They had quickly met, leaving multiple details out of their reports to each other, and went their separate ways, each with their own secret.

Harry decided not to tell Hermione about him and Ms. Davies, because he’d rather skip the lecture. They both valued Ms. Davies as a professor, but when Hermione first heard that she was running around with one of her students she was critical to say the least. So Harry kept it from her, and it only tormented him a little.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 9)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

The next week flew by in the wake of Harry and Hermione’s failed attempt to find Michaels memories. After a short conversation they had both agreed that they’d set aside their vendetta. Just for the time being. They both still wanted to see Michael expelled, and wanted to be the ones responsible, but they had nothing to go on. They had quickly met, leaving multiple details out of their reports to each other, and went their separate ways, each with their own secret.

Harry decided not to tell Hermione about him and Ms. Davies, because he’d rather skip the lecture. They both valued Ms. Davies as a professor, but when Hermione first heard that she was running around with one of her students she was critical to say the least. So Harry kept it from her, and it only tormented him a little.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 8)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

A few days later Hermione left with a large group to Hogsmeade, ready to do her part. She was alone, Harry needing to stay back to execute the brunt of the plan, by getting into the Ravenclaw dormitory. Hermione was given the simple task of watching Michael, and ensuring he stayed in Hogsmeade.

Her eyes fixed on the back of Michaels head, she followed near the back of a long line of Hogwarts students ready to spend a fun filled day in the village.

For the 10th time, Hermione checked her back pocket. However, she wasn’t put at ease, despite ensuring that she still in fact had what she needed. She knew she’d check again in a few minutes, desperate to do her part perfectly.

The thing in her back pocket that she so anxiously kept checking for was a chess piece. Harry also had one that was identical, the twin of Hermione’s. The purpose was simple: it was an alarm.