Forbidden Sorority Hookup Part 2 [MF]

I can’t believe how well my first story blew the fuck up! Thank you all so so much for the messages and comments on my experience, it was nice to finally give an experience of mine! I am so sorry, it’s taken me this long to give the Part 2, but life and work amiright?? lol If you haven’t read Part 1, I suggest you go to my profile and click on that story first so that you won’t be confused when I reference things in this one. Anyways, without further do, here is the continuation and conclusion(hopefully not) of the wild wild sexy Nicole!

Ok, so after that cabin party, things between me and Nicole didn’t quite end up the way you may have thought they would. Things were never awkward between us after that night at the cabin, but we didn’t secretly hook up every chance we got either(in hindsight, I wish we did). Whenever we saw each other on campus, we would hug, I’d crack a joke, flirt for a sec, she’d laugh and tell me I was stupid, and we would go on our way to class. I think in a way, we were scared how the sorority would feel if they saw us get too close with one another. We didn’t wanna jeopardize each other’s position. She just got in, so I wasn’t gonna fuck anything up for her and risk her getting kicked out, and she knew how much the sorority meant to me also so I guess that was why we didn’t hook up the rest of that semester.

Forbidden Sorority Hookup [FM]

Ok so this is my first time doing anything like this before. I like to read through this sub a lot and have been sitting on this great story for a while. I finally thought “fuck it!” Ill give one of my experiences too. Bare with me, I’m no author, but I’ll do my best.

This happened back in college (college is an amazing place btw) while I was in my early twenties. I attended a small college that had around 1000-1100 students. Part of being at a smaller school is the Greek life can sometimes be different. I was involved in a fraternity, but at this school, a guy could also be chosen to be in a sorority as well too as a “gent.” Vice versa with girls in fraternities too. A gent basically protects the girls and also is seen as a support system in case the ladies get too catty or emotions ever run high. It was an easy job for me and I genuinely really liked it. Learned so much about women too so it was a win-win.