A Decent start to the New Year [MF]

I’m a 57yo Male and my wife is 51. We were involved in a car crash a few years ago which took her libido. We went from having sex 3-4 times a day to 3-4 times a year. We weren’t even married at the time of the crash over 5 years ago. We are madly in love and even without the sex I’ll never leave her.

I made a new year resolution to ask for sex more. I also decided that I was going to push my vanilla wife a bit further.

This morning (New Year 2020) we were getting ready for our visitors arriving in the afternoon. Preparing food, moving furniture, all the usual stuff.

Just after 12 we’re done and dusted.

I head for my shower while my wife heads outside for a vape.

I come downstairs with a couple of glasses from last night and am washing them when she comes back in.

She said that she was heading for her shower and I said “ I was hoping that you’d do something else first”. She is on her period so sex is a no no. Then, she looks at me coyly and agrees to give me a blowjob. Result.