The Old Main Drag pt2 (Adult romance)

Kirsty helped her have a shower and it felt wonderful. “I’m fed up being in bed, I want to sit in the arm chair.” Kirsty helped her to the chair and then went and made them both a cup of tea. When she returned she just sat staring at Jo, waiting for her to talk.

“I was bored and found a website where punters can find prostitutes who are local and working, he had a room booked and I said I’d meet him, I can’t even remember his fucking name. I went to the room and as soon as the door closed he punched me. I woke up confused and in agony. I somehow made my way downstairs and you know the rest.”

“Why did you go to the hotel? I don’t understand.”

“For the life of me I don’t really know, maybe it was for the danger, maybe for some other reason, I don’t fucking know why I went there.” Jo said, her voice rising and tears starting to well. Kirsty just stared at her, trying to understand.

“The manager said they tried to call an ambulance but you kept saying to call me and get you a taxi.”

The Old Main Drag pt1 (Romance with adult themes)

The Old Main Drag

*‘I’ve been spat on, and shat on, and raped and abused’*

*The title and description for this story are both from the Pogues song ‘The Old Main Drag’. I was looking for ideas and inspiration and remembered this song. It’s a great song and well worth listening too.*

“Ouch.” Jo’s body hurt with every bump in the road the taxi hit, damn, it hurt with every breath she took. Her head was spinning and her vision blurred.

“This is you luv.” The taxi driver said through the partition as he pulled up to the curb. Jo was unable to move; she wanted to but didn’t seem able. The door opened and Kirsty was standing there, a man just behind her.

Kirsty was talking to her but none of it made sense. She climbed in and gently helped her out, Jo’s legs gave way but the man and Kirsty supported her.

“How you doing?”

Jo slowly opened her eyes, Kirsty was sat beside the bed, looking concerned but trying to smile. Jo tried to sit up but a shooting pain in her abdomen stopped her.

[Group] Our New Villa pt 2 I[M26] reluctantly get involved in Berni [F26] and her friends sexual games

*Part 2, the sex intensifies*

We all had another drink, Becky choosing to remain standing. She really did have a sexy body, with curves that I loved and hips that would have been fantastic to hold onto as you thrust into her. All these thoughts were keeping me fairly turned on and not far from a full erection. My dirty mind was in overdrive as I heard Sarah say, “I can’t see Joe’s dick, is it still hard?”

“It’s semi hard, I think he’s still thinking about Becky’s tits.” Berni replied.

I didn’t mind being objectified and was enjoying this game but decided I needed a bit more control.

“I was thinking more about what Becky’s going to do next.” They all looked at me as I said this and I knew I had their attention. “We’re both nude and we’re planning on spending some time on the nudist beach, so now’s the perfect opportunity for Becky to be nude. It seems to be tradition that you walk around slowly so that we can all gawk at you.” I could see by Becky’s face that she was a bit nervous, but also that she was determined and up for a challenge.

[Group] Our New Villa. I [26M] reluctantly get involved in Berni [26F] and her friends sexual games

*This happened in the mid nineties after myself and my future wife Berni, bought a villa in Portugal and two of her friends came to stay. It’s a long story so is in 2 parts. It starts on our first day of sunbathing*

Berni led the way as we sneaked up the stairs, planning on surprising Becky and Sarah. The door to the terrace was open and you could hear music coming from the stereo. As she reached the top of the stairs Berni stopped and signaled with her finger for me to be quiet. She was looking through the door and called me forward, pointing and urging me to look. I couldn’t see Becky but Sarah was lying on one of the loungers, only visible from her belly up. She was topless and her right arm was supporting her breast, which was topped by the longest, most erect nipple I had ever seen. I couldn’t see where her hand was but I had my suspicions.

“Do you think she’s..?” I whispered, not having to finish the sentence for Berni to know what I meant.

“Probably, look at the size of her nipples.”

Raspberry Nipple [MF]

*This is my gentle and (i hope) humorous account of my first kiss and my first remotely sexual experience. Enjoy. Comments and feedback welcome x.*

“La Glace, La Glace.” The plaintiff cry of the mainly English and Dutch ice cream sellers on the beaches of the South of France in the mid 1980’s. Trying to earn enough money each day for a baguette, maybe some cheese and enough cheap wine to get pissed on.

Myself and two friends had hitchhiked from London, having seen the work advertised in some magazine. We got as far as Paris together and then decided to split up as it was nearly impossible to get someone to stop and pick up three men. I drew the short straw and went on my own whilst the other two stayed together. I made good time and got down there in one day, arriving in Grimaud about seven. We had said that whoever got there first would wait for the others at the train station, but Grimaud was tiny and only had one bus stop, not alone a train station. I slept by the bus stop that night and next day went walk about, leaving a note at the bus stop.

My introduction to nudism, photography and wild sex [MFF]

This story is based around true events, only my over active imagination spicing it up a bit, enjoy!

“I want to sleep with you!” Sarah said.

“What”, “Wow”, “Yeah,” or words to that effect stumbled from my mouth. Or maybe I said nothing, so dumbfounded was I. Sarah smiled, her green eyes twinkling. Sensing and probably enjoying my confusion she leant forward and whispered in my ear,”I said I want to sleep with you tonight, what do you say?”

“Err, yes.”

“Good,” she clinked her bottle off of mine, “Don’t drink too many of those,” and was gone, saying something about wanting to mingle some more before we left.

This was wild, I hadn’t been with a woman or even tried to chat one up, not sober at least, in over two years and now a beautiful woman who I hardly knew had just said she wanted to sleep with me. How did I get here?


I’d scraped through college, I was bright but much more interested in drinking and fucking than I was in any text books. I finished college and moved back to London and somehow landed a nice little number as a trader in an investment back. It was busy, which l enjoyed, the money was very good and so was the partying.

My Wifes Night Out [Group]

*Comments and feedback welcome as always looking to improve my writing. Enjoy!*

“Fuck, bollocks.” I said out loud to myself as my phone rang. I picked it up and saw it was from Julie, my wife. The time was only just after 12 and I wasn’t expecting to hear from her till much later. Still holding the phone I turned the sound down on my laptop and answered the phone with the one hand, my other still stroking my cock as I watched the porn in front of me.

“Hi darling, what’s the matter.”

“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just ready to come home.”

“Ok if you’re sure you’re ok. I can pick you up in about twenty minutes; I’ll text when I’m outside.”

“That’s great, see you soon.”

I was a bit confused, Julie was out on a mini hen night for a girl from work who was finishing up that day and getting married the next week. They’d had a full weekend away a few weeks ago and although I wasn’t given any details it was apparently wild. That’s why I was so surprised; Julie loved her nights out and would never normally come home early.

Kinky PPE’s

**For the strange times we’re living in i thought i’d share a light hearted, sexy story for people to read. i hope you enjoy it. comments and feedback welcome**

“Oh my god, people are crazy.” Anna, my Polish colleague said, laughing as she did so. We were sat waiting for handover, just about to start another 13hr shift. We work in a general ICU and had just gotten our first COVID 19 patient in, knowing there were a lot more to come.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, as a joke I put a picture of me in full PPE’s as my tinder profile.” She showed me the picture, gown, mask, goggles- the whole caboodle.

“So far I have over a hundred likes and five offers of marriage.”

“In fairness you do look pretty hot.” I said, smiling and continuing the usual banter that many of us shared.

“Yeah, very hot; fucking sweating under all those layers.” Caroline, another colleague piped up.

Handover started and our minds turned to other matters, but it got me thinking.