The Killer, The Couple, And Club Cold (MxM, WxM, Dark Magic, Teaser)

An Excerpt from “Aphrodisia, a collection of Erotic Shorts”
By: Adano Spade

A middle-aged, caramel-toned gentleman in a three-button peacoat and a nude kango hat stood outside the lush two-story apartment in Wicker Park. His hands were tucked into his pockets, though they provided little protection against the cold winter winds nipping like a lover against his exposed neck. He buzzed the apartment for the second time, growing impatient and colder by the second.

Had he been born into a different world or blessed with even a sliver of jha, perhaps he would have intuited the strange and dangerous nature of the deal that he would come to make that night. Perhaps, if things had just been a little different, he and his wife would have made it to see their tenth anniversary.

Inside the spacious brownstone, the sound of heavy silver chains being yanked to their full length and the repetitious clap of the convergence of flesh could be heard over a chorus of growling. Well, they could have been heard if the man waiting on the doorstep had been one of the usual magical creatures that frequented the location. Fortunately, Donald Calliwell was a mere human, just as oblivious as the rest of his kind.

Volume I: The Hidden Library (Trig. Warning: Incest, Dark Magic, Witchcraft)

[**Seven Sins: Volume 1 *FREE version***](

**Volume I: The Hidden Library**

Cassidy Manhuer perused the shelves of the strange shop, each new item making the hairs on her arm stand at attention. She was feeling a mixture of emotions that included but was not limited to disgust, disbelief, and burning intrigue. There were all kinds of roots, tonics, talismans, and strange tools filling the scant space inside the dusty building.

“Have you ever seen anything like this?” 

“No. Most places have some tarot cards and a selection of crystals but, Maddie…I feel like this might be the real deal.”

“You think they have it?”

“If they did,” she said, turning slowly on her heels until she was facing the VIP-section of the store, “it would be in there.”

“What does that say?”

“Approved Customers only,” Cassidy said, rolling her eyes, “but come on. We already ditched our case study for today and took a bus two towns over. Are you gonna let three little words stop you now?”

“I was talking about the words above that. *Vetiti?*”