under the stars

tags: [mf], [vanilla], [requested]

*Author’s Note: Hey everyone, hopefully everyone’s doing well and if you’re looking for [breaking her pt. 3], I promise it will be out soon. I really enjoy writing requested stories so I’ll be posting this first! Hope y’all enjoy the read :).*


The stars twinkle in the night sky as Chloe nervously lays on the hood of Daniel’s car. She nervously looks over at him. He is so perfect in every way: his modestly tanned skin, muscular and toned shoulders, and plump, kissable lips. As he looks into the sky, his eyes twinkle with the reflection of the stars and Chloe’s heart skips a beat. Chloe also knows what is going to happen tonight, Daniel and her had been dating for well over a few months and the furthest they’ve gotten is kissing.

“The stars should look nice, right?” Daniel broke the awkward silence. He is, in fact, just as nervous as her. His palms have been profusely sweating and he continuously has been wiping them on his jeans while trying not to let Chloe notice. He feels sweat running doing his armpit and he curses himself for not spraying on his anti-perspirant. They’ve already talked about this moment, the moment that they both lose their virginities.

breaking her [pt. 2]

It is well into the evening by now and Kim is sorting through her clothes to find her sexiest lingerie. Normally she would never reply to guys like Jeff, let alone give them her address. However during the texting a few hours ago, Jeff was very curt and abrasive in his responses and immediately said that he can only come tonight. He never provided proper reasoning, but Jeff left little room to argue. As her window closed, she gave him her address; something about Jeff just makes Kim want to dominate and control him. She just wants to slowly bounce on his cock to tease the cum out his genitals, only to stop and have him begging to orgasm.

The doorbell rings and interrupts Kim’s thoughts. It must be him! She quickly throws on her very revealing tube top and short shorts. Satisfied with her natural makeup and well-shaved pussy, Kim goes to invite her guest in. The door swings open and Kim is face-to-face with Jeff. In person, there was nothing really astounding about him either, but the eyes were sharper and even more predatory than she previously had thought. Combined with the slight, confident smirk on his face, Kim certainly didn’t feel like she is dominating anybody here. In fact, she feels a little intimidated.

Categorized as Erotica

breaking her [pt. 1]

Kim had just gotten out of her last class before Winter Break. It was exhausting, she had endured days on end of lectures on cognitive-something followed by tiring practice debates about who-knows-what in preparation for tournaments. As passionate as Kim was about university, the only thing she wanted right now was the sweet, warm comfort of her bed.

But the last day of school also means the first day of freedom. As much as Kim wanted to go back to her cozy, single-person apartment, binge-watch Netflix, and down a pint of ice cream in celebration, she also had other plans. Kim had the unique hobby of finding guys, typically inexperienced, and fucking them senseless until the only thing they can think of is ramming their throbbing cocks in her pussy, down her throat, or deep into her ass, and then only hoping to relive that day for weeks after. And that’s the fun part for Kim. She loves when men beg and can’t forget what she felt like. However, she recently has run dangerously low on boy-toys to break. It’s as if her sadistic tendencies had spread to the world, and all men were cautioned to stay away.

Categorized as Erotica