Pool Bar Adventures: Getting my pussy creamed by strangers while BF watches [Freeuse] [F30s,M30s,F30s,M30s, M30s] [sensual] [public creaming]

We went to a pool bar for a fun night. You take my hands and lead me to a dimly lit corner. You sit with your back against the wall. Pulling a stool in front of you, asking me to sit down. As I sit down you pull the stool closer. Now I’m between your legs, as you wrap your arms around me and hug me close to your chest. Everyone around is drunk and having fun. People are playing pool, dancing and making out. The music is fast paced and loud. You start kissing my neck and I lean back putting my head on your shoulder allowing easier access. You kiss down to my shoulder to collar bone. Then I feel your right hand slowly slipping under my top and squeezing my boobs. You laugh as I shoot straight up on my stool, but with your left hand you turn my face to kiss my lips. You kiss me slowly and deeply. Nibbling on my lips asking me to open my mouth, so you can play with my tongue. I sigh and melt in your arms as your lips and hands start to relax me.

Firehouse: Raining Hearts [M30s/M30s/F30s] [cheating][Threesome]

She was married and so was he. He was her Captain, but it did not stop the deep desire she felt for him. Lust. His lazy smile, piercing looks would send a thrill through her everytime she would look at him. She wanted to feel those strong arms. Run her hands down his chest which she knew was covered with soft dark curls.
She felt the desire rising in her, as she thought of him. The need to feel him was going to kill her one of these days.
Just this morning when they were in the kitchen and she was trying to reach the topshelf, he came behind her and grabbed the bowl for her.
The instant he came behind her, she knew it was him. His musky smell hugged her. Her heartbeat sped up at the slight touch of his arms. It took every muscle and every ounce of power not to turn around and just melt into him.
“Here you go,” he said as he placed the bowl in front of her.
She turned her head to the right and she knew if she just took one step back, she would feel his muscular body against hers.
Instead she stayed rooted on her spot not moving a single muscle, and said a quick thank you. Suddenly his body slammed into her. Was it her imagination or did he just purposely stumble pinning her to the counter with his body?
She gasped and tried to turn and look up at him. She only managed to turn half way and looked up into his face.
There was his lazy smile again, before she could say anything, he pulled himself away from her.
Every fiber of her body hungered for his touch.
As the morning’s memories warmed her, she could not help but sigh. She thought that the Captain felt something as well. On occasion she would catch him studying her intently. A slight touch on the shoulder or on the waist when he has to get around her for something. Either she was just making things up in her head or he was also skirting around the feeling that they both have.