[M]ake no assumptions, [F]or you will be wrong!

Jump to ****** for the sex

I’ve been reading for a while and decided to add what may be the hottest experience I had, though still pretty vanilla compared to what else is on here. I had been working with Prisha for a couple of years and we were often assigned projects together. She was, on first glance, a typical Indian woman: hardworking, smart, detail-oriented, determined, and pretty much no-nonsense. I was similar, except for the last part, as I love to joke and lighten up things up when I can. When our manager said in a meeting that with Prisha and I working on something, he knew that no detail would be overlooked, I said, “Yes, we dot all the T’s and cross all the I’s.” But because she was always so serious, I didn’t really know much about her outside of our work.

I should add that she dressed business conservative: boxy women’s suits in dark colors that did not accentuate her figure in any way. She was 28, about 5’7,” medium build, with dark hair that she always wore up. Looks can be deceiving though, I later learned.