My first time with an audience [MF] [F]

Kristen and I [25M] rekindled our friendship with each other after the pandemic subsided. Back in college, we were both in relationships and she was dating one of my friends. I never really looked at her like in a sexual way out of respect for my friend, but he ended up being a dick. A few months after they broke up, she messaged me to see if I still lived in town. This got us reconnecting and eventually she invited me out to a small party at her house. I was keen to meet up because I had just been rejected by another girl I was really into, so hopefully Kristen had some hot friends.

At the house I was met at the door by a petite brunette, about 5’4, long hair, wearing a pink tank top, black sweatpants, and hoop earrings. She had a few tattoos and had an alt vibe going on. She was pretty damn cute.

I [M] fingered her while she FaceTimed her dad. On the first date

This was at the end of 2021, when I was on a trampage. I was seeing like 6 different women at the time, and out of all of them, Victoria was by far the hottest. She also just happened to be the biggest slut.

Victoria was 21, 5’6 with a slender frame, and a plump, tight ass. She used to run track and play soccer in high school, and her athleticness carried into high school. Her aesthetic was more of the artsy/vintage type. She was mixed (light skin black) with gorgeous natural curls. I can’t lie, I have a weakness for exotic women with curly hair.

Our conversations started a week prior on tinder where we were discussing hair products. She is a cosmetologist by trade, and had the same type of hair as me. So naturally I was asking her for tips and product recommendations, and she eventually offered to style my hair.

“I’ll buy dinner if you can make me the hottest man in town” I mentioned. “Oh that’ll be easy” she replied.

That one night when I gave a facial to a married woman [MF]

This happened a few months ago when covid rates in the USA were a bit lower and my friends and I were a bit more relaxed on our social distancing. Names are changed for anonymity.

It was Friday afternoon when my good friend/coworker Bryan and I were driving back home after a two-week long business trip across Pennsylvania. During the drive we got a call from Bryan’s wife, Christine, asking if I would like to join them for a dinner party at their apartment that night. At that point I was exhausted from our travels, and just wanted to relax on my bed in my studio apartment. However, I am not the type of person to pass up a free meal, especially considering that my apartment was barren of food. So I begrudgingly accepted her offer, and mentioned that I will probably leave early that night as I was tired from driving 6+ hours.

“That’s okay, we are just going to have a few friends over, eat, drink, and play cards against humanity” she informed us.

“Her friend Marie is visiting us this weekend, and you know Theo and Kate, they will be there too” Bryan interjected . “Don’t get any bright ideas though, Marie is a married woman.”