The Struggle for Love (1st Person) (pt1) (Stalker/Suspense)

Hello, I dont know if this is allowed or not, but this was roleplay that I had created with a partner. Names have been changed to protect identity. It is in 1st person, so I do apologize that it probably doesnt fit the typical format. I’ll post the first bit here and if there is enough demand, I’ll post the rest. Let me know what you all thing!

The 2 main characters are my character (Jaxon) and my partners (Katrina). Text from Jaxons perspective will be in bold.

Setting: Saturday night, Michael’s Restaurant.

**I am waiting tables and a group of three women walk into the restaurant. The greeter seats you in my section.**

**”Great, I can already tell these ladies are going to get drunk and be obnoxious” I comment to Miguel, the waiter of the section next to mine, as we overlook the restaurant. “Good luck bro! This might be your last table of the night; maybe you can finish your night by getting a number” He replies. “Right” I reply sarcastically with half a smirk as I make my way over to your table.**