Fun time with a [FF]riend.

I’m incredibly happily married, and have been for many years. I discovered in my mid-to-late twenties that I was bisexual (despite making out with just as many girls as boys in high school). I settled down with my guy early on in college and life and amazing sex transpired.

I’ve always had a flirty relationship with a close female friend, and a year or so ago it turned physical. My husband was well aware and totally okay with it, and still is to this day. Each time she and I (let’s call her Sam) get together, I fill my guy in, and it fuels our sex even more for a few days. Our last session was so amazing I need to detail it.

After an outing, we came back to my place to catch up. I’m a stoner, so I was taking a few hits while she had some gin. We talked for a long time – we hadn’t seen each other in a bit – and after sitting on the couch we leaned in and began kissing.