Feeding Time, part 3 [M45/F31] [lactation, hucow, mindbreak, drugs, oral, impreg, BDSM, exhibition]

I reached to rearrange my breasts back into the cups of the bra. His eyes snapped to mine, and I swear his gaze literally scorched me.
“Did I say you could cover yourself?”
My breath hitched. I shook my head, hand frozen on my left breast. He growled.
I couldn’t help it. A whimper escaped my lips as another gush of fluid trailed from underneath my skirt and down my thighs.
“Hands at your sides, cow.”
I obeyed. “Yes sir.”
The still air of the elevator was cool on my skin, dewy from a mix of his saliva coating my breast and the cold sweat that had beaded across my entire body. My legs shook as the elevator climbed toward the 14th floor and the doors at last pulled apart to reveal the (thankfully) empty hallway.
“Odd. This is usually when Mr. Ferguson steps out to get his paper.” Sir pushed me forward, his fingers smacking the curve of my ass with a light thwack as I stumbled out the doors. “I guess we’ll just have to walk you tomorrow.”
Walk me? I was seriously beginning to question what I’d gotten myself into. Sure, I’d been intrigued–eager even–to try lactating with a man. This was basically one, long, anonymous hookup after all. For three weeks, I was to allow this man free access to me, and he claimed that he could get me to lactate.
And I’d get to feel what it’s like to have milk come out of me.
I shivered, but this time it had nothing to do with the temperature in the high-rise apartment building. He directed me to his apartment, and slowly removed his keys from his pocket. The whole time, I could feel his rapt attention on me, making sure I wasn’t making any attempt to clasp my bra or button my shirt again.
He pushed his key into the lock, and froze. He turned to me.
I blinked up at him.
“On your knees.”
“What?” I breathed. He had to be joking. We were right here at his door.
He raised an eyebrow. I didn’t move.
And then, before I could even react to stop it, he raised his hand and whipped it across my breast with a firm *smack*!
My nipples went rock-solid, and I gasped loudly.
“The next time, it’ll sting,” he muttered, leaning his head down until I could feel the warm air from his lips against the shell of my ear. “Now. On. Your. Knees.”
I sank to the floor, keeping my torso upright.
“Hands on the ground. All fours.”
I swallowed. And then, slowly, I bent forward at the waist and did as he said.
My large breasts sagged towards the ground between my arms, my still-sensitive nipples mere inches away from the tile floor. I watched his shoes as he paced around me, until his legs passed my peripheral vision and I could only feel the radiant heat of him as he stood eerily still behind me.
I held my breath. Was he going to spank me? Was I being punished? In the hallway?
I didn’t sign up for being an exhibitionist.
*So why am I so wet?*
With my bare knees on the ground I could feel it–my pussy juices were smearing on the ground underneath me, lubricating the smooth, cold tile and making it slippery. Then I felt two long, warm fingers trail up the back of my thighs, under my skirt, and sink right in between the lips of my pussy.
And I moaned.
“That’s a good girl, sweetheart,” he said, sliding his fingers in and out between my folds, swiping briefly–tantalizingly–where I wanted him most. “I was beginning to think you weren’t ready for this commitment. That maybe you were having second thoughts.”
He pushed in deeper and a strange, croaking noise squeaked out of my throat. His fingers curled down toward the floor while they twisted inside me, and it was like nothing I’d ever felt before.
*Oh God, is that my G-spot?*
I’d thought it was a myth. Certainly no guy I’d dated had ever found it. Nor had I, anytime I’d tri–*”Oooooooooh Gooooooooooood.”*
That was me. I was panting and moaning and his fingers were zeroing in on somewhere deep inside me, and a pressure was building in the pit of my core like nothing I’d ever felt before. At once I felt a tugging behind my belly button and the sudden urge to pee, all while a deep, all-consuming pleasure rumbled at my core and my whole body started to shudder.
His other hand grabbed at my hip, and his fingertips sank into my forgiving flesh. The sensation was grounding, and I suddenly remembered that I was in a hallway in a semi-public building, with my ass and pussy exposed and my naked breasts swinging towards the floor and a man fingering me for all to see.
I panicked, clenching down on his fingers. My head shot forward, and I felt his breath on my neck. “Are you?”
“Wha–what?” I breathed, shaking, and he laughed before I could get any other words out.
“Having second thoughts? Do you want me to stop?”
And just like that, his fingers stopped moving. But instead of pulling them out, he dug his fingers into my hip and clenched my pussy in his other hand, squeezing my mound between his fingers and thumb. I felt him surround me inside and out. It was somehow both less and more intense at the same time.
I could hardly draw a breath.
I tried to wiggle out of his hold, but his arms were too strong. I whimpered.
“Don’t… stop…” I managed to wheeze out.
Dear God, I could hardly think. Every ounce of my attention was focused on that diving pressure between my legs. My eyes teared, and the hallway blurred before me until I could almost convince myself it wasn’t actually there at all. I sighed as his fingers pulsed once, twice.
“Don’t stop, what?”
I only paused for a second as I tried to remember what he meant.
“Sir. Don’t stop, sir. Please.”
I felt the heat of him curl over my back as he growled into my ear. *“Good girl.”*

Feeding Time, part 2 [M45/F31] [lactation, hucow, mindbreak, drugs, oral, impreg, BDSM]


It was 9:58 am. My phone pinged with the email alert from HR. Between my sick day, personal time, and vacation, I’d managed to be approved for the next 3 weeks for time off. Laura, the HR rep, had sent over a message with a sad face.

*Hope you feel better soon!*

I felt a little bad about lying to her. But the guilt slowly faded as I looked up the high-rise building at the address that “HucowFarmer69” had sent me in our message thread. We hadn’t officially traded phone numbers. For some reason, I still had some reservations about that.

“I’m here,” I typed out. A moment later, his response popped up.

“Good girl. Right on time. I’ll buzz you in.”

I ignored the little twitch in my stomach at the words “Good girl” as I reached for the handle of the glass doors at the top of the stoop. The harsh buzzer rang out along with the *click* of the latch, and I let myself into the lobby of the building.

Feeding Time, part 1 [F31/M40] [masturbation, anonymous, meetup, hucow, lactation]

This is a work of fiction. Please no DMs.

It started after I’d attended my 5th Wedding of the year.

I guess you could say I’d gone done something of a rabbit hole. Scrolling through Reddit night after night, sick of being single and nervous about the ticking of my biological clock… was I ready for kids? I didn’t know.

What I DID know was that I’d started to explore kinks I’d never thought I’d be into before. And the posts and videos that turned me on the most were of other women like me, dressed up in little cow outfits (sometimes they even had butt plugs with tails), wearing collars with bells, and most importantly, dripping milk from their engorged breasts.

These women were all shapes and sizes. It wasn’t the same old clips of porn stars or Only Fans favorites with perfect bodies–these were women with real-looking tits. Tummy pouches. Cellulite.

And if you believed the comments, men fucking LOVED it.

Hucow Academy [F19-F40] [stretching, body modification, masturbation, bondage, power dynamics, hucow, mindbreak, female orgasm, alien, long story]

Tried to include all the tags. Work of total fiction. All characters are of age.

This was going to be in part of an erotic scifi story I’m writing, but I’m thinking now it doesn’t quite fit. For context, Xihera is a new military recruit for an espionage division of the planetary military, specifically for human women to seduce alien enemies and breed super-soldiers. This is her first day at the training academy.

Futuristic, Sci-Fi erotica. Think super kinky Star Trek.

There are some alien species mentioned, etc. If you have any questions feel free to comment and I’ll do my best to answer!

**Hucow Academy**

Repost: NSFW: The Farm, pts 1-4 [F/F, 20s-30s] [mind break] [forced breeding] [impreg] [hucow] [body expansion] [noncon] [fiction] [lactation]

Avery arched as Lindsay suckled at her nipples. The delicate buds peaked in her soft lips, her tongue swirling around them before her teeth gently grazed down. Avery trembled in ecstasy, a moan escaping her as the sensation bolted from her breasts through her stomach and down to her core.

“Don’t stop,” Avery murmured, reaching for her girlfriend’s head as she bent lower to focus on the wetness that gathered between her thighs, “Don’t…”

“You don’t want me down…” Lindsay slowly trailed the tips of her fingers, deliciously, up Avery’s thigh, as she paused for dramatic effect, “here?”

Avery jerked awake as a forceful jab intruded inside her, knocking the breath from her lungs. She felt her swollen breasts sway in the stocks, and she winced at the weight pulling at her back and shoulders.

“Oh, awake so soon?” a low voice drawled playfully from behind her.

Avery couldn’t see who the voice belonged to. She could never see who the voices belonged to. Since she’d been brought here, strapped onto tables, beds, and finally into the stocks, she’d never once been permitted to see her captors.

NSFW: The Farm, pt. 5 [F/F, 20s-30s] [mind break] [forced breeding] [impreg] [hucow] [body expansion] [noncon] [fiction]

Avery drifted lazily awake, her arm resting lightly on her swollen stomach. For the past few weeks, she’d felt her body adjust to the changes of her induced pregnancy. Her breasts ached constantly, heavy with milk, to the point that she even welcomed the lab assistants that came into her room three times a day to pump her.
Her atrophied muscles hadn’t adjusted to her new size. She struggled to lift herself from the incredibly comfortable bed they’d given her, but insisted on trying to get some movement in everyday.
This morning, though, she felt the weight of her body dragging on her more than ever before. She hadn’t been able to fully sit when the assistants came to milk her, and she found herself feeling so grateful that they weren’t keeping her in the stocks anymore.
There had been several women in the barn that had been milked daily; women who’d been kept in the stocks for months. Her back ached just thinking about it.
Once she’d been milked, and the pumps removed from her swollen nipples, she leaned herself back in a kneeling stretch, pushing her hips and ass up above her knees, bending back to rest her head down against her pillow, her arms stretched out in front of her. The sweet stretch of her lower back felt so good as she bowed forward, her stomach filling the space between her spine and the soft mattress.
The door creaked open. The click click click of patent pumps echoed in the sterile room. For the first time, Avery found herself unrestrained enough that, if she wanted to, she could turn her neck and at last see the face of her captor. But in the few seconds she pondered that, the woman walked herself behind Avery until she stood facing her enormous, naked rear.
They hadn’t given her clothes since she’d been impregnated.
“You are truly beautiful like this.”
Goosebumps erupted up and down Avery’s arms as the woman spoke. Her voice was deep and smooth like velvet, and as she spoke the tension in her breasts returned. She felt a pressure in her stomach, as if…
As if the child inside her was moving. Reacting to the woman’s voice.
Slowly, Avery turned her head to the side. She could just barely glimpse beyond the curve of her massive hips, the top of the woman’s head. Sleek blond hair, pulled back from her forehead, except for a few delicate wisps that framed her hidden face.
Avery couldn’t bend or turn any further. The stretch felt too good. Her arms were too weak to raise her heavy chest. She sighed, and then opened her mouth wider to speak.
“I don’t feel beautiful. Look what you’ve done to me.”
“What I’ve done?” Avery felt a cool hand on each ass cheek, slowly rub and kneed her flesh, pulling slightly at the cleft of her ass. “What I’ve done is help you rise to your potential. You are no ordinary breeding mare, Avery. What you’ve done is nothing short of spectacular.”
“What do you mean?” Her voice shook. She hated this woman. Hated how she saw her as an object. Hated how she’d imprisoned her in this place to be nothing more than a cow. A slave.
And even more, she hated how her body responded to the woman’s touch. Avery squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the gush of her juices dripping down her thick thighs, felt her inner walls twitching at the woman’s gentle but insistent hands massaging her ass. She wanted more. She wanted to feel like she had in the stirrups, when they’d first brought her into this place from the barn. She wanted to feel weightless again, wanted her body to ache with pleasure instead of pain.
The woman pressed her fingers deeper into Avery’s fleshy ass and spread the cheeks in earnest, and she felt the slightest current of warm air before a rough, wet tongue slowly licked a line up the slit of her pussy.
A whimper escaped her. She couldn’t help it. Even that slightest bit of contact lit Avery’s nerves on fire, sending electric shockwaves throughout her skin. Her stomach clenched, and her nipples tingled.
The woman pulled away, and Avery’s breath hitched.
“Hmm?” Patent Pumps hummed. One finger returned, trailing up and down her swollen folds. Tears sprang to Avery’s eyes. So good… “What was that? Would you like me to continue?”
Avery burrowed her face back into her pillow. She didn’t want to answer her. Didn’t want to admit that, yes—more than anything, she wanted her to keep going. Bring her pleasure once more.
The finger withdrew, and for a second, Avery thought she’d leave. Until a red hot sting reverberated through her ass cheek as the woman struck her with an open-handed slap.
Avery cried out into the pillow, and another gush of liquid squirted from her traitorous pussy.
“Tell me what you want.”
“Mm-mm.” She shook her head, tilting her forehead deeper into the pillow to allow air passage for her more fevered breathing.
She couldn’t say it. Wouldn’t.
“Well, then, I guess…” Click, click, click.
Avery’s heart stopped as the footsteps retreated back toward the door.
“No! Please! I need—”
“Yes?” The clicking paused.
“Please, make me feel good.”
“Is that all?”
“Yes.” Her answer barely registered as more than a weak breath.
“How good?”
Avery moaned. How good? What kind of question was that? Well, a stupid question deserved a stupid answer.
“As good as you can,” she spat.
“Oh, no, Avery…” Click, click, click. She gasped as fingernails dug themselves into her hips and yanked her further back into her prayer pose. Her head was dragged from her pillow, until it fell onto the tops of her breasts, which jiggled helplessly at her shifted weight. “You really don’t know what you’re asking me to do.”
Then, Avery heard a quick zwip! One hand left it’s iron hold on her right side, and a moment later, she felt something rigidly firm, but velvety soft poke between her folds.
Did this woman… have a cock?
A deep laugh rumbled from behind her. But it was definitely the woman’s voice that followed, “Do you want to feel this cock inside you, Avery?”
It was hardly a question. Already, blood was rushing to her head and a deep heat was rising from her core.
“Yes, what? Manners, Avery.”
“Yes, please…”
Nothing could have prepared her for the sensation that followed. The grip on Avery’s hips tightened even further, to the point that she could almost feel bruises blossoming beneath her skin, and then she felt the weight of the bed shift.
Muscled thighs kneeled behind her, and suddenly her hips were hoisted higher, raising her torso until the tips of Avery’s nipples brushed the sheets. She quickly shifted her arms beneath her, shocked at the feeling of being lifted so easily. How strong was this…
Could she even call her a woman?
What was she?
Avery didn’t have a moment to process before the large tip of the woman’s cock pressed against her entrance. She flinched. This wasn’t an ordinary dick or dildo, or like anything they’d teased her with before.
This was huge. Even just it’s tip pushed almost painfully against her soaking walls.
“Relax, Avery. Let me give you what you want.”
Slowly, carefully, she obeyed. She let her chest fall back, folding against her knees, as much as her pregnant belly would allow. The stretch in her spine deepened, and she felt her pussy open…
The air was knocked from her as the woman sheathed herself in one hard shove, fully seating Avery on her massive cock, which filled her so completely she could have sworn her stomach stretched even larger. That theory seemed to be confirmed when she felt her breasts bounce against her stomach with every single thrust, as her captor set a punishing rhythm with her cock, pounding deeper and deeper into Avery’s gushing pussy again and again and again.
She felt as though she was being split down the middle, wrenched apart as this massive probe stretched her to her utmost limit, until the only thought that filled her mind was lust. She was no longer a person. She was just a hole for this cock, and as the pleasure inside her built higher and higher, she found herself wanting something else.
She wanted to be filled with its cum.
Her mind conjured an image of this monstrous organ pumping her with stream after stream of thick, hot seed, painting her womb until she overflowed with it. This was why she was here. This is why she existed. And as long as she got filled like this, she would bear as many children and produce as much milk as she had to. As long as she was promised this.
Again and again and again.
Moans rippled from deep within her throat, and one of the woman’s hands reared back and slapped her ass again with a smack that echoed hungrily against the walls. Avery’s cries rose, until she was positively screaming with every thrust.
“Fill me!” She shrieked, the words tearing themselves from her, “Fill me up with your cum!”
The massive cock withdrew slowly, until only the tip remained, barely prying apart the spasming walls of her pussy.
“Manners, Avery. Try again. What do you want me to do?”
She sucked in a breath to answer, but was once again rendered speechless when the woman yanked Avery’s hips back as she thrust forward, splitting her apart until she could feel the tip of her massive cock kiss the entrance of her womb.
She saw stars. Blindly, she grinded her hips greedily against the woman’s lap.
“Ask nicely!”
“PLEASE!” Avery cried, her voice raw and foreign to her own ears, “Fill me with your cum! PLEASE!”
“As you wish, my beautiful, beautiful breeder!”
She felt her hips hoisted up again, and Avery’s head collapsed into the mattress as the woman leaned forward. She thrust even harder: one, two, three times, pressing Avery’s shuddering body deep into the softness of her bed. Her head spun, and blackness encroached at the edges of her vision as she struggled to breath, until finally with one last grunting cry and a powerful push of her cock that made Avery see stars, she felt the hot, gushy release of stick cum fill her.
Jets of the woman’s seed shot inside her, tickling her core and causing spasms that ran up the entirety of Avery’s spine. A warm, wet puddle formed beneath her as she felt her milk release from her nipples in such great volume that she could actually feel her torso sink with the change in her breasts. Avery turned her head to the side, breathing in grateful gulps.
Her whole body shuddered and tingled. Despite the woman pulling out and letting her go, leaving her body used and spent in a heap on the mattress, Avery still felt weightless. Lighter than she had in weeks.
And then she felt a kick, deep within her stomach. A cramp seized her lower back, and she curled in on herself, panting in pain.
More wetness gushed from between her thighs, and her breath caught. What the—
“I thought that might happen,” the woman said. She brushed a lock of hair from Avery’s scalp, and finally, she caught a glimpse of the mystery woman’s full face.
Her eyes widened, and it was as if the wind had been knocked out of her all over again.
This was no mystery woman.
It was Lindsay.
“It’s time, Avery. Your water just broke.”

The Farm, pt. 4 (forced breeding, body expansion, forced orgasm)

When Avery awoke, she had the sensation of floating.

What the… she thought, slightly opening her eyes and seeing only soft yellow-white light in a deep purple room, almost like she were getting a massage. In fact, now that she thought of it, she felt a pulsing pressure around her wrists and hips and ankles, and she realized something soft was holding her up.

Her head was resting on a circular pillow, further emphasizing the idea in Avery’s mind that she were in a massage parlor, with her face cradled by a cushioned headrest and her arms stretched up and beyond her head, suspended with her wrists in soft stirrups. It felt to her like similar stirrups held her ankles behind her. The bulk of her weight was being supported by an infinitely soft cushion underneath the hinge of her hips, positioning her with her ass high in the air and her legs softly folded under her, and her torso lightly stretching between her hips and her head. Avery couldn’t see much, but thought she felt as though her breasts were also supported by something- although whatever it was seemed to be just enough to keep their weight from pulling down on her back.

The Farm, pt 3 (body expansion, forced breeding, forced orgasm)

“Wonderful! Absolutely delicious, Avery dear,” the speaker crackled with the voice of Patent Pumps, “And what a workout.”

Avery could hardly bring herself to respond, however disdainfully, as she panted for breath. She felt as if she’d run a triathlon; every muscle in her core aching from the numerous spasms.

But in addition to the soreness, a strangely satisfied tiredness also seeped into her muscles. She was sweaty, and soaked with her own juices from the waist down, but felt as though she could simply fall asleep right there on the sterile gurney. The bright, fluorescent lights glared at her from the ceiling, but when she shifted to her side she could close her eyes without having to squint against the light.

She saw herself reflected in the imposing mirror across from her, taking up the entire length of the wall and stretching from the waist-height ledge to the ceiling. Avery blinked at herself lazily, when suddenly her blood ran cold. She gaped at her reflection.

Her entire body had changed.

The Farm, pt 2

Forced Orgasm, mindbreak, kidnapping
Avery strained at the leather straps holding her down. The gag in her mouth still inhibited her breathing, and the blindfold lay heavy on her neck. She wiggled her shoulders, attempting to push herself a few inches lower on the gurney so she could more easily bend her arms to reach the buckles. The rod between her legs shifted with each movement, poking inside her with a rigid insistence.
She also needed to use the bathroom. She turned her head back and forth, taking in her new surroundings now that her eyes had adjusted to the fluorescent lighting. White, square tiles stretched up the walls and across what little she could see of the floor. The room was immaculately clean; Avery’s theory of the farmhouse evaporated as she took in sparkling chrome bathroom fixtures, a handful of showerheads lining one wall. A half-wall separated the space at the edge of her field of vision. To her other side, a ledge ran along the wall below a large mirror. As the voice had said, there was a bar of soap and a small, white towel neatly folded in front of it.
Avery groaned as she worked her elbows out from under the confines of the leather strap crossing her waist, and the rod worked its way deeper into her core. Her pussy had begun to throb as she wriggled free, her thighs clenching tighter as she worked, and not only because of the restraints. She hurriedly reached her free hands up to her mouth and ripped out the gag, breathing in deeply. Her lungs burned and her chest ached as it strained against the strap across her shoulders. She next reached for the uppermost buckle to free her upper body, then unbuckled her waist, allowing herself to wiggle back up the gurney and relieve the pressure inside her.
She collapsed back onto the stiff surface as she caught her breath, already exhausted from the little bit of effort it took to work free. How weak have I gotten? Avery thought to herself. She could feel how atrophied her lungs, heart, and muscles had become from her weeks tied up in the stocks. Everything ached. She reached up her trembling hands to her face and wiped away the strands of hair that stuck to her forehead, finally removing the blindfold from her neck and fully untying the gag.
She lifted her head to get a better look at her lower half. As she’d expected, a long metal rod was pinched between her ankles and her thighs, secured with more leather straps. A black, silicone tip disappeared at the apex of the rod inside of her. Well, that explains what I’ve been feeling.
She debated for a second, finally propping herself up slightly on her elbows. That little bit of motion pushed the rod further back inside her, and she felt the full length of it rub against her insides. A noise rumbled involuntarily from her throat as electric tingles emerged at the base of her spine, reminding her once more of the dream from which she’d been so forcefully woken.
A new emotion burned inside her chest when she thought about her partner. I have to get out of here.
Her captors had released her, in a way. They’d given her the tools, at least, to free herself from restraints for the first time since she’d been abducted. She had to finish extracting herself so she could escape and see Lindsay again. Return to her life again.
She sat up a few more inches, gasping as the rod shifted deeper again inside her. She attempted to pull her legs up, to bend her knees to make her thigh restraint easier to unbuckle, but that only made her sensitive pussy rub more insistently against the silicone. She rocked her shoulders to the left and right to gain her fingers precious inches closer to the belt just above her knees, slowly getting purchase while the rod pushed inside her with each swing.
At last, the tips of her fingers brushed the end of the belt, and she lunged forward from her waist to unlock it. The rod pushed in forcefully, and she gasped as it found a dangerous spot inside her.
She closed her eyes and moaned, freezing in position even as she freed her thighs. Her knees bent slowly as the pressure on her thighs lifted, and the rod shifted again, drawing from her another moan as her ankles angled themselves out. She gasped. Oh God.
They’d wanted this.
In the same moment Avery felt a puddle of wetness gush from inside her as the rod plunged against her g-spot, the realization had struck her. The brief release of endorphins she felt was heightened by the sudden, fearful race of her pulse.
They were watching her.
They were watching her come with the very restraints they’d used to immobilize her, and they were going to watch her for as long as she was in this room. As if they could hear her thoughts, in that second Avery heard the speaker above her click back on, and the cold, clear voice of Patent Pumps crackled throughout the tiled space.
“Very good, Avery. You’re almost there.”
Avery shuddered. She could hear the smile in the woman’s voice. The cruel, sick pleasure she was deriving from Avery’s struggle.
Avery knew she couldn’t help her body’s lewd reaction to their perverse intrusion. They’d strapped a dildo inside of her, for Christ’s sake. And then essentially forced her to ride it, pushing it further and further inside her in order to free herself.
Never before had her mind and body been at such odds. Even as she feared for her life, as disgust filled her entire being, her pussy clenched around the dildo inside her and insisted that Avery finish the job they’d started.
Once more, she propped herself on her elbows, gritting her teeth against the waves of sensation and pressure building once more in her belly. Only one more restraint to go.
And in order to reach it, she’d have to impale herself completely.
Not to mention the fact that her muscles were so weak from the days of confinement that she couldn’t sit up properly without rocking her body into the position, and every movement of her thighs, her knees, just pushed her closer to the edge. She froze, sweat beading on her brow, her core throbbing insistently, until she finally resolved to finish what she’d started.
She pushed herself up, bending completely at the waist and pushing the rod deeper, deeper, deeper into herself as she reached for the final restraints at her ankles. One buckle and two knots stood between her and the freedom from this torture. Her fingers grasped at the ropes first, each minute shift of her hips for better purchase grinding her closer and closer to orgasm. At last, the knots loosened, and she ripped the buckle open and the rod slackened against the gurney. Victorious, Avery yanked the rod out from inside her. The abrupt motion scraped the ridges of the dildo against her sensitive walls. A surge of wetness gushed once more from inside her and she trembled as she fell on top of her hand, mindlessly rubbing at her wet, sensitive folds. Her core clenched at the sudden emptiness, and her fingers wriggled against her clit until she finally came hard on her hand, tears springing from her eyes as emotion overwhelmed her.
She collapsed on her side in puddle of her own making, gasping for air as the endorphins flooded her body, the tingling numbness spreading from her core to the tips of her fingers and toes, a post-orgasmic fuzz pleasantly filling her brain.
She stayed there for a few seconds, utterly exhausted.
The slow sound of clapping cracked through the room. Avery wept as she heard the cruel applause of her captor through the ceiling speakers, and prayed that she’d soon escape this torture.

The Farm, pt. 2

Forced Orgasm, mindbreak, kidnapping

Avery strained at the leather straps holding her down. The gag in her mouth still inhibited her breathing, and the blindfold lay heavy on her neck. She wiggled her shoulders, attempting to push herself a few inches lower on the gurney so she could more easily bend her arms to reach the buckles. The rod between her legs shifted with each movement, poking inside her with a rigid insistence.

She also needed to use the bathroom. She turned her head back and forth, taking in her new surroundings now that her eyes had adjusted to the fluorescent lighting. White, square tiles stretched up the walls and across what little she could see of the floor. The room was immaculately clean; Avery’s theory of the farmhouse evaporated as she took in sparkling chrome bathroom fixtures, a handful of showerheads lining one wall. A half-wall separated the space at the edge of her field of vision. To her other side, a ledge ran along the wall below a large mirror. As the voice had said, there was a bar of soap and a small, white towel neatly folded in front of it.