How I (22m) sucked my first dick ever at a party! [MM]

This was about a year and a half ago, I was at a birthday party of an older friend of mine. I never had something with a guy up until that day, although I already kissed friends when I was drunk. It always felt like I am more confident when drunk.

The friend who had the party turned 27 so he had younger but also older guys and girls invited, overall we were like 12 people or something and we were having BBQ and drinks.

As I got more and more drunk, I started chatting to a guy which I found pretty cool and attractive. I loved how he told stories, I just had to listen. I never felt this kinda attracted to a guy. Espescially because he was like 32 and I liked the fact he was older. He also seemed to like me quite much and after a few drinks and nice conversations, we went to have a cig. When we were outside smoking, he asked me if I had a girlfriend. I told him that I’m solo and he jokingly said something like “We are on the same page then”.

When I [M] shared my girlfriend [F] with another guy for the first time!

It was a few years back when I started to realise I was into wifesharing and that I would love to try sharing a girlfriend of mine with another guy.

Back with my former girlfriend, I made it happen. After years of sucking it up and not talking about my kink, I finally came out to her and told her that I can’t stop thinking about her having sex with another guy.

After a few talks, a bit of reddit and loads of honest conversation and communication, we decided to make it happen. She stated she needed a guy she’d be comfortable with for the first time, so we pointed out one of my best friends (call him F) would be the perfect guy to do it with.

We met with him and told him what I was into, explained it and before we could even ask him if he’d be down, he already jokingly said that he would volunteer to do it with her in front of me.

Back when I [M] shared my former girlfriend [F] for the first time with a close friend! [M]

Hey reddit,
So this isn’t something new that happened and I have to post about it, in fact this is already a while back and me and her broke up time ago. I still wanna tell you guys about it.

My ex girlfriend was the first girlfriend I had that I ever told I am into sharing my girlfriend. Before I never had the encouragement to tell anyone, I felt kinda wrong for being turned on by that.

My ex fortunately was very understanding, she got interested in how I found out I was into cheating/wifesharing/Hotwifing/cuckolding, so I told her basically anything.. That I got cheated on as a teenager and I loved it ever since.

So when I first told my ex, she was curious about it and said that she’d give it a try. She basically agreed on fucking someone else in front of me but she said it had to be someone she knew she’d be comfortable with. And that’s where one of my best mates came into play!