Betty’s Betrayal Pt. 1

Betty’s Betrayal Part 1

My name is Beth Swanson, but everyone in my life just calls me Betty. On my knees, my hands tied behind my back, an old wrinkly cock in my mouth, hearing this man yell at my father, I wonder how I came to be in this situation.

It started a few weeks ago. My dad has always provided me and my mom, and my brother, with everything we could always want. He didn’t have an amazing job, it’s not like he was a CEO, but I knew that he had a more stable job as an accountant at a family run auto parts supply company than a lot of my friends dads growing up in Detroit.

I was just finishing high school and looking forward to a summer of fun before leaving for college. I had been accepted to several, including two fancy East Coast schools. I knew the tuition would be crazy expensive but I also knew that my dads company had a scholarship fund for children of their employees, and I had always worked hard to keep my grades up to qualify.

Broken Pt. 4

He blew his load in less than two minutes but it was a large one, shooting from around the tight seal of her lips, running down her pretty chin. She frantically tried catching it with her hands to keep it from spoiling her new gown, and was mostly successful. He withdrew his limp cock with a slight popping sound, patted her cheek affectionately, and waddled off to sit in a nearby chair, as she looked around disgustedly for something to wipe her hands on. Carman, always present it seemed, handed her a bar towel and I watched as she cleaned the spunk from her hands, her face filled with revulsion.

After that, they all settled down into couples to watch porno films, but not necessarily with the mates they’d arrived with. Julie was coupled with the black guy, Jade with the old man, and Alice with fat-boy. Susan and Raul were still on the sofa, her head face-down in his lap, moving slightly. Emotionally drained except for my rampant cock, I speculated tiredly that from that particular motion, she was probably licking his balls. Both of them seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely.

Broken Pt. 3

I considered going to the police, but what could I tell them? Even if they initially believed me, Carman had the video with my wife and Raul fucking like animals, proof that she wasn’t an unwilling participant. Once the effects of the tea wore off she probably wouldn’t remember a thing, innocently telling them she was there of her own free will to get an operation. I’d come off looking like a complete fool, if I didn’t get arrested myself! I even thought about getting a gun and acting like Clint Eastwood, but I didn’t own a gun and didn’t know where to get one. Even if I could obtain a firearm I wouldn’t know how to use it with any proficiency.

I was pretty sure Raul and Durian could use a firearm though, and probably had several of them stashed around their house. Raul had suggested they’d both been ex-military at one time, proficient with martial arts, so probably guns too. I felt crushed, helpless. I’m as macho as most men, and just as ineffective when it comes to violence for most of us would-be tough guys. Stuck in my mind was the ease with which Raul had overcome me and humiliated me by making me almost suck his cock. It still made me sick to think about that. So I waited — no appetite, less sleep and worried to death about Susan. I determined that I’d go back after the two weeks, and hopefully find a way to bring her home. I didn’t know what else to do.

Broken Pt. 2

I awoke the following morning, the sun shining brightly through my bedroom window. I was alone in the king-size bed lying on top of the covers, fully clothed. Glancing at the clock I realized I had slept late, almost 9:00 AM. Memories from the previous night instantly washed over me like a giant wave. Had it been real? Of course, it had. I ached all over from the ordeal, and my mouth felt like cotton. I tried to sit up and fell backward on the bed groaning, as pain stabbed through my head like the worse hangover I’d ever had!
Unable to move until it passed, I relived what I could recall from the previous night. I remembered finally being able to stand on wobbly legs, staggering towards the master bedroom door I’d seen Raul disappear through while carrying Susan. It was very sturdily made of heavy wood, solidly built and I couldn’t budge it, especially in my weakened condition. I struck it with my fists and it barely made an audible sound.

Broken Pt. 1

Susan and I married right out of college. I became an investment broker dealing primarily in Futures and Commodities, and the first few years were lean ones as I learned my trade. Our financial situation turned around after five tough years, and we’d been married for about eight years when we were able to buy our dream home in a gated, upper-income-level community. I drove a three-year old luxury SUV and Sue drove a small BMW. We were moving up in the world. Everything seemed to be falling into place and the future seemed rosy.

If I could pinpoint the exact day it all began to unravel, was the day about five years ago when I came home and Susan announced that we were invited to dinner. She said one of our neighbors, Carman, had visited during the day and they’d hit it off. She and her husband Raul owned the largest house in our development, a mansion really, a seriously wealthy couple. I’d driven past it several times on my way to the community golf course, and speculated what it must have cost.