After the second day, I begged my gf to stop, but …

This is a true story from many years ago, about my gf (now ex).
(I will not show any photos, sorry.)
My gf became quite a cruel girl throughout our relationship, but I can’t blame her.
It was mostly my own fault.

One of the most incredible times was when she met a really hot guy and fucked him.
She had asked my approval a few days before that, and I gave it.
Because I thought I could handle it. And I wanted her to have fun.

But after day 2, she confessed to me about how incredibly hot he was.
She told me he fucked her 5x in one night.
As you may imagine, I couldn’t take it.

I told her I really wanted her to stop fucking him.
I wrote (long-distance) that I’d still be ok with them kissing and doing oral, but not sex.

She replied (approximately) “Sorry, he enjoys fucking me and I love it when he fucks me.”
She added, “He’s in town another 10 days, so …”

The feeling, when reading that message, was incredible.

So, she fucked him for another 10 days.