A Song of Ice and Warm Tongues [MF]

“Are you sure you want to come today? Ufff… My house is a mess” – said the text from my FWB.


“Argh, okay, see you soon!”

When I entered her house 10 mins later, I could see why she would be agitated. The house, while not being a crime scene *per se*, was a little scattered. But so what? She was a successful working mom and an avid baker, a little messiness is allowed, even encouraged!

I saw her emerge from her bedroom in just a pink bra and grey underwear. 5 foot 5, flat tummy, marble white skin, blond hair (*did she get a haircut recently?* I made a mental note to ask her later). I dropped my bag, walked up to her and gathered her in a tight embrace, my lips meeting hers even before any words were spoken.

After a long, slow, kiss where my hands explored her body (always a delight!) and groped her ass from behind, we made space between our bodies for words to be spoken

“Don’t you dare look at anything but me today! It’s chaos here.” ordered my FWB.

“Copy that!” I smirked