In Defense of my Queen

                   In Defense of my Queen

“Don’t worry Arthur I will escort her highness to the theater later. We are honored guests in this nation and these people love Queen Rae. There is nothing to worry about.” We were visiting one of the neighboring nation’s on a good will mission to strengthen our alliances. Tonight we were to go to the local theater here to watch a performance as honored guests of the Duke and Dutchesse. The Queens guard Arthur is giving me a hard time about escorting our Queen to the theater.

“The theater is only a few blocks away it will be fine.” The Queen looked as beautiful as ever wearing a new dress specially made for this occasion. Her beautiful smile the only light I needed in the room to see. She truly was the essence of Grace and beauty. Truly a radiant soul who brightens the lives of all she meets. 

To serve my Queen [MF]

To Serve My Queen

I only have one job one world and that is to be the servant of my Queen, Queen Rae. She is a much loved Queen and many say she is the most beautiful Queen in our history. I am honored to be appointed a position so close to her for I have been in love with her since we were young. Ever since we were teenagers and I first laid eyes upon a smiley young princess not a day has passed where I have not envisioned that smile. Alas we were from two different worlds there is no way the most beautiful Queen the world has ever known would take interest in me.

Our Queen is a very loved Queen. She is wise and compassionate and cares very much for her people. She treats everyone as equal and does not hold a person’s flaws against them. In my eyes the Queen has no flaws at all.