[MF] The start of my (23M) FWB relationship with my dorm neighbour (21F) who made my fantasies come true

This happened around two years ago. The ages in the title refer to our ages back then.

For most of my early college years I was in a relationship with a great girl. Unfortunately, she had an extemely low sex drive. She was never really in the mood and when we had sex it was always very vanilla. This was one of the reasons why we ended up breaking it off. Half a year after the break up I decided to study abroad for 6 months. During this semester abroad I lived in a dorm where I shared a corridor with 11 other international students, who all quickly became great friends. The girl from the title, who I’ll call Ellie, was my next door neighbour. Ellie is a cute, petit brunette who keeps herself in amazing shape and has a light tan. I became great friends with everyone from my corridor, but definitely was the closest to Ellie.