A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [bd][ds] Part 1

Hello, my name is Jessica. This is my first time writing in a diary, not by choice, not really, but I think I’ll actually come to cherish this time.

I guess, for starters, I should explain why I’m writing this. Long story short, because Master Nene said so. Today it marks one week since I decided to embark an adventure I would have never thought I’d dare to even contemplate. The story goes a little bit farther in time. I met Master Nene months ago, and for months we chatted. We discussed all kind of things. I was at a point on my live where nothing interested me anymore; nothing managed to keep me engaged. Although I never visited a doctor I’m pretty sure I was (am?) suffering of depression and/or some sort of ADHD.

I overate, under-exercised, spent hours mindlessly browsing Internet.. I had no real friends IRL and no real drive to find any. My job was a necessity I had to endure to survive, just so I could make enough money to continue existing, because I wouldn’t call it living.