Athletics or Academics at University [Mf][BD]

“There is really very little more you can do, Miss Jones,” Dr. Morgan said. “Unless you have a time machine, that is. I’m sorry but you really need to hand in projects on time when I ask you for them.”

Dr. Morgan was one of the university’s history professors. He had been my professor for the last semester, and he seemed pretty cool at first. He had a few streaks of gray in his brown hair, but overall looked younger than most of the other history professors, and he had a real passion for his craft. I could always see his passion, at least when I paid attention. His thick rimmed glasses and bright-colored neckties came across as a bit dorky, but he was an adorable dork, and I had probably spent as much time dreaming about him as I did listening to what he was saying… which admittedly I listened to very little of his lectures, but hey, I’m a busy woman. I’m on a full-ride volleyball scholarship at this university, and that means that I need to concentrate on that! Unfortunately, there were also academic requirements to stay on the team, and I couldn’t afford to let my GPA fall any further.