Finding myself in college [FM]

So this happened three years ago in my freshman biology class and might be a little tame, but thinking about it just got me ridiculously hot and bothered, so I thought I’d share.

I had just moved very far from home to SoCal, and I was excited about re-making myself since I had been a serious introvert in high school with controlling parents. When I got to school I found that it was still really hard for me to meet new people and make friends (even though that is like the easiest time in your life to do it), plus I was still technically in a relationship with my boyfriend back home and he wanted to talk pretty much every night.

Fast forward five weeks, and I was !!really!! depressed. I had a few large groups that I’d hung out with, but it still felt like there was nobody here for me, and I was spending most night playing Stardew Valley and sleeping. I had been sitting one seat down from a boy named Will since the first week, but we always had an empty seat between us and never talked. That being said, I had definitely noticed him: he was probably 6′ tall (although I’m 5’5”, so everyone looks tall as fuck), with wavy dirty-blonde hair and bronze skin. More importantly, he always carried his skateboard in this particular *way* and spread his legs in his seat so that it seemed like the world was there just for him. Even though we’d never talked, it was like I could feel warmth from him on my right side every day.