[MF] I slept with someone else’s ‘Sugar Baby’

*Once upon a time, I met a Semi-Pro Athlete in Japan.*

So, you meet a lot of people on The Apps when you’re a white man in Japan. A lot of people trying to practice their English. A lot of people just interested in talking with someone from another country. More people looking for English lessons. And eventually you find people actually looking to meet, hook up, and whatever else you’d like to do.

One day, I was bored and swiping on a train when I matched with Risa. She was really pretty, but also short and stocky, strong and built. I originally didn’t have high hopes for our interactions: while she was flirty and chatty, she also was very reluctant to meet up at all. I had filed her in the “not interested” box, but was consistently surprised about the things she would want to talk about.

Like, “What do you like about Japanese girls?”

Or, “Are you a good kisser?”

*Pro-tip: don’t ask a guy if he’s a good kisser if you don’t intend on actually kissing him!*

[FM] Things to call the guy you’re fucking: “Daddy”

This is the story of the first couple of times a partner called me “daddy.” The first time, I really didn’t like it. The second time, I really, really did.

There are some girls who you have to work hard to get, and there are others who work hard to get you. Sarah was a member of the latter group. Not that she was desperate or anything – far from it, she was sure, confident, and knew exactly what she wanted from me: my dick. She put her hands on my thighs in the bar and I knew we needed to get the hell out of there.

Clothes came off and we fell on her plush bed. I climbed on top of her and the less I tried to support myself the more enthusiastic she got. I finally got the hint and grabbed her wrists, holding them above her head and putting as much weight as I could on them. I slid into her dripping wet pussy and she convulsed around me, letting out a high pitched moan.

*It was really fucking hot. Until it wasn’t.*

[FM] Things to call the guy you’re fucking: “Sir”

I’ve written a few stories about me and my friend Phoebe. Her long legs ended in a wonderful ass that bounced when you smacked it. She had long, curly hair that she tried and failed to keep straight. She had a hidden tattoo she claimed nobody else knew about. She would screw her face in mock anger whenever you teased her.

Outside of the bedroom, Phoebe liked to be in control, but what I finally discovered was that she liked to relinquish a bit of that control when clothes came off. She liked it when I took my time, and she especially liked it when I told her what to do.

So one night we were at a party and Phoebe was wearing a floral skirt and I liked the way it swayed so I went up to her and said very matter-of-factly “I’m going to need you to suck my cock tonight.”

Her jaw dropped as she stared at me with slight disbelief. “Oh, come on, I was quiet,” I said. And a few hours later, when the party was dying down, we walked home together.

[MF] Slipping through “The Window”

We all know / hopelessly crush on someone who is perpetually in a relationship and therefore unavailable. But there are moments – brief, fleeting moments – between breakups and reconciliations, between old relationships and the next new one where there is a window through which you can make your moves.

*If this sounds familiar, it’s because there’s a HIMYM episode about this very phenomenon. Except unlike Ted Mosby, I managed to actually slip through the window.*

Let me tell you about Christa. We were high school friends who stayed moderately in touch throughout Uni. Christa was cute as a button – Greek, with long, dark curly hair and beautiful olive skin. Her dimples had dimples. Her eyes shone behind her glasses. She was smart, able, capable. She teaches kids music. I was hopelessly infatuated.

*But there was always a problem. She was always dating someone else.*

There were opportunities, of course: times when she had just broken up with her partner. And I tried to jump on those opportunities as well as I could. I must have “confessed” to her at least three times, usually when I was drunk. It was not a good look for me. She turned me down every time, and every time I was sure that that was the end of our friendship. But every time, Christa got back in touch with me and our friendship continued.

[MF] I impressed her with my cooking

So, I love cooking. I love all facets of food: making it, eating it, experimenting with it. The only part I don’t like is cleaning up, but even for that, put some Carly Rae Jepsen on for background music and you’ll be fine.

I think cooking is something everyone should do with their partner. First of all, it makes everything much easier to keep track of. It lets you do more complicated, ambitious dishes. It’s a great time for bonding and spending time together. But there are also times where you need to kick someone out of the kitchen and do your own thing.

Which brings us to today’s story.

You may remember my friend Red: tall, rail-thin, deep coppery hair. We had a summer of fun before I ran away to another continent, and what a summer it was. We’d hang out once or twice a week; we’d meet up at one of our places after work, make dinner, and then make love as many times as our bodies would allow.

On this particular day, we were celebrating her birthday and I was determined to blow her mind and make her something delicious. A few stores later, and I showed up to her place with a bag full of ingredients.

[M]y first ever blowjob

*Just for the record, I know this is different from my other stories. So, sorry if you were expecting a story of me railing a hot chick – we’ll get back to our regularly-scheduled programming later.*

I was a loser in high school. Everyone is some kind of loser in high school, but I was the one specifically who didn’t get laid. I had a “girlfriend” for a couple months – I think she went out with me because it was too awkward to say “no” over MSN Messenger. We held hands twice and kissed maybe once – mouth closed.

Through it all I had this friend named David. David and I grew up across the street from each other. We went to the same schools and were always fast friends. We ended up going to separate unis but made sure to keep in touch. After fifteen years as friends, it was weird to not see each other basically every day.

The first few weeks of uni were an experience for me – I even made out with a girl! And played with her boobs! – but the pants stayed on and I was still a virgin. Which of course came up when David and I hung out when we were both back for Thanksgiving break.

[FM] How I (accidentally) got an insanely hot blonde addicted to my cock

Once upon a time I met a girl on a dating app. Tale as old as time, right? I was smitten right from the get-go and also incredibly surprised when she matched with me. My surprise turned to confusion when she agreed to grab drinks.

I’m not selling myself short – these stories wouldn’t happen if I didn’t have some level of confidence – but Carly was, to put it bluntly, out of my league. Blonde, blue-eyed, with a killer rack and an amazing smile that lit up the room. She had a thing for sundresses and sneakers and red lipsticks. S*he liked puns.*

We went on two dates and made out just a little bit before she called it off, saying that she didn’t feel a spark.

*It wasn’t meant to be, I thought.*

Until a few months later, she texted me. At midnight.

“I think there might be a reason why I’m still thinking about you,” her text read. By this point I just wanted to swing for the fences. “Want me to come over now and we’ll talk about it?”

My Crush [F] made me watch as she got herself off

*Once upon a time, little* /u/before-my-wife *had his little heart broken.*

Her name was Moira. We met the very first day of uni playing a pickup soccer game. She was hella cute, with curly blonde hair and the most wonderful little button nose. Typical to form, she had great dimples when she smiled.

She was also acerbic, strong-willed, and took-no-shit. I quickly developed more than a little bit of a crush.

We casually hung out like people at uni do before I asked her out and she turned me down because she was transferring to a different school. I didn’t cry, but I did mope around for a week or two.

Flash forward a few years, and I was heading to a conference through the city where she lived. This was a regular-ish thing – we’d grab coffee or a movie when I was passing through – but what made this time different was that the bus schedule was weird.

*Which meant that I needed to find a place to spend the night.*

I complained of hotel prices for maybe five minutes before she said that I can just crash at her place. “It’s not a big deal,” we told ourselves.

I [M] was a nurse’s favourite source of stress relief

Once upon a time, I helped a nurse relax after stressful, busy days.

Daisy was a tiny, tiny little thing – tanned skin, dark hair, just shy under 5’ tall. She had a self-described Oral Fixation and a really, really tight little ass. She was also a nurse, which as you may have heard over the past few years was a stressful job.

*We were fucking before COVID, but it was still a hell of a job.*

I’ll spare the boring details of how it started, but I came to be Daisy’s stress relief. Whenever she would have a tough day at work – whether it was because a coworker was being the worst, or a patient tried to escape (this happened a lot), she’d call me and I’d head over to her place and ream her out.

She really liked being manhandled. “I had trouble sitting today,” was a common text I would get after a night of fucking.

“Want me to come over again, then?” I would reply.

“Yes, please.”

[MF] I ate her out while she Skyped her friends

*Once upon a time, Christine’s friends totally watched her get eaten out.*

(Remember Christine? You may have missed the time she used an Alexa to give me the best lap dance of my life. Or you may remember her from when her parents interrupted our first hookup. [You can read more of her stories here](https://www.reddit.com/user/before-my-wife/comments/ty0wvv/an_organized_list_of_my_stories_and_smut/))

We decided to get away for Christmas and New Year’s. We had plans to go out to ring in the new year, but instead decided to stay in – after a week of running around being tourists, we were a little tired, and our train was leaving early the next morning.

*Besides, we had other things we wanted to do, too.*

We were making out when her phone started buzzing incessantly. “Keep going,” she told me as she checked her messages. So I did. I had pulled her little black dress down and had one of her tits in my mouth. I loved Christine’s tits – C-cups, firm, perky, and they looked even better on her tiny 5-foot-nothing frame.