A very tipsy night, with a very close friend [ff]

Back in highschool, I used to carpool with my next door neighbor. We’ll call her Pringle. Pringle and I met in junior high and became a lot closer throughout highschool. Talking to someone everyday over the course of four years is going to endear you to them at least a little bit. Whenever we were bored, we used to text each other, and ask to come over. We would hang out late in our rooms talking about nothing. We used to cuddle sometimes, lay on each other’s shoulders while listening to music or movies or tv shows. She would always talk about whatever celebrity boy crush of the month she was obsessed with this time, whatever was her interest of the week, and i’d know everything there was to know about that topic by proxy.

Giving my[f] friend’s boyfriend head

I (f19) had a close friend from highschool who began dating this guy, who I’ll call cheeto (m18). I wasn’t particularly close to her boyfriend, none of my friends were, he was her coworker, who had recently moved in from another town. So I saw him when my friend brought him along, but he was mostly my friends’ partner, rather than my friend. But ya know, they were cute, and he had a bit of that whole depressed gamer boy thing going, i was really happy for them. I thought they were cute together. He gushed over her like a golden retriever, and she finally found someone who didn’t treat her like shit. They were, and still are, rather good for each other

Hooking up with my [f]19 childhood friend [m]19

First three paragraphs are build up, and context skip to the last two if you just want to spicy bits

I was a pretty odd duck growing up. I was always the weird girl, I had weird interests, and a bad attitude that frankly isolated myself for not entirely unjustified reasons. Naturally, I was bullied a lot. I spent most of elementary like this until I met who we will call Dorito. Like me, Dorito also had a bad attitude, and no friends, and when we met in 3rd grade, forced to sit next to each other in class, we both hated each other. We would bicker and fight, and would hang out with each other during lunch because neither of us had anyone better. And so we stuck together, and this devious duo of bad apples would keep up this dynamic for the rest of elementary school into middle school. We both got better over time. Character development or something along those lines. We became less combative, less bitter, and while cheesy, our friendship genuinely led us to grow as better people. Dorito was one of my best friends, and overtime, we would create a small found family of friends around us, at least in part due to the ways we made each other better, and tolerable to be around.

I [f] hooked up with the first guy I met on tinder after turning 18

Okay so, this was just under 2 years ago, I (f18 at the time) was a horny and slightly repressed little deviant. I went to a tiny school, where trying anything with anyone was largely impossible. When I turned 18, I decided to test the waters of my more slutty side. I downloaded tinder, basically the day of, and just kinda kept on swiping on people. I matched with this guy, a couple years older than me, and we started talking. It escalated pretty quick, and we settled on a day and time. I couldn’t drive at the time, so he picked me up at the local McDonalds (truly the best place to meet someone) and soon after we were in a pretty empty parking lot.