My First Time Dominated [MF]

His Version –

I won’t repeat too much of the before meeting stuff as it’s pretty well written out on his. I will say on my end I was incredibly nervous. I am so so vanilla that even the most vanilla person would look like a rainbow next to me! I wanted to experience things I thought were only going to be fantasies. I really am not sure how i stumbled upon the subreddits, and how I got to his post but I did and I am still shocked I had to guts to reach out to him. I was shy sending pictures, I asked a ton of questions but he didn’t mind. He handheld me through the whole talk and we talked most of the day. We worked out meeting the following day at a bar. I was with friends for the beginning of the day and was so preoccupied I thought I would pass out and considered just not showing up more than once. I talked myself into it by having a normal conversation with him up until meeting and thinking – it’s just a bar, I could always just not leave with him.