[MF] breaking her orgasm record

I was recently single after college, and decided I wanted to be a little more adventurous sexually than I had been while in a relationship. I have always had decent luck meeting people on Tinder, but I have never found someone I’ve vibed with sexually like I did with Lexi. On the second night of texting each other, we stayed up until 4 am sexting. I love talking about sex, and I definitely fantasize and sext about things I wouldn’t do in person. Lexi seemed like she was the same, but on our first date I could tell we were both a lot more serious about trying things in person.

She had expressed interest to me about being tied up, especially by a relative stranger. We had been at dinner in-person for no more than a few hours when we raced back home to my bedroom. Lexi waited on the edge of my bed while I pulled whatever I could out of my closet to help us. I didn’t even have any rope we could use yet, but luckily I found some scarves that would work well enough to tied her to my bed. She then revealed to me that she had brought her vibrator with her and hoped I would use it on her while she was tied up. I blind folded her with some cloth I had from my failed attempts at sewing my own clothes, and told her to be patient while I stripped and restrained her.

[MF] My catholic girlfriend made me cum on her before church

Freshman year of college I dated a girl who came from a religious family. We both were still not ready for penis-in-vagina sex, but were willing to lie to ourselves that pretty much everything else we could think up was okay. I definitely developed a number of kinks from my time with her.

Heidi and I would spend the night at each others houses often, and it usually ended with either a lot of sexual tension or her begging me to slide my cock between her thighs while she touched herself. She was withholding in most ways; she wouldn’t give me oral, she didn’t want me to finish when her hands were on my cock, and, most extremely, she eventually told me to stop masturbating and would often not let me cum when we were together.

[mf] secret office relations

A few years ago I worked at a small company with only ten employees, four of whom were women. Most of us were in our twenties and we’d frequently go out together and hangout outside of the office. Claire had a boyfriend at the start of the summer but would constantly tease me when we were out, claiming she could pick up girls before I could or telling me she was going to touch herself when she got home as she was leaving the bar with her roommate. It started more subtle than that of course, but by the time it escalated to this point, I couldn’t help but picture her hand slipping under her panties with her legs slightly spread lying on her bed.

Things unraveled quickly after the second time she told me she was going to touch herself. She pulled me aside at the bar and told me I could watch if I wanted, but I couldn’t touch her or myself until the next day. In a moment of strength I resisted and told her I couldn’t possibly do that while she had a boyfriend. She looked slightly put off for a moment, but then she smirked and handed me something before quickly exiting the bar. She had no way of knowing this yet but I have a thing for panties. I had to quickly hide the ones she handed me after I realized what they were. I could feel my cock harden and my mind started flowing through ideas of what to do next.