My dad’s friends

My dad had a hangout he’d go to occasionally with friends to play cards or watch a game. It was right down the street and I always remember passing it going just about anywhere. He took me inside once when I was younger and looking back now, I think it was the first interaction where I noticed the affect females had on men.

We were only in there for a few minutes to pick something up, but I remember feeling the eyes of all of these men on me. I can’t say I necessarily liked it at the time but it was certainly different. A handful of them made jokes or comments to/about me as well. Comments about my “budding breasts” to the shorts I was wearing. I was taught to be polite so I just remember standing there smiling. My dad would quickly change the topic and then get me out of there. I even remember him telling me I’d understand more when I got older.

I’d go in that place once more and the comments were similar. It was playful and harmless, I knew upon that second visit and again looking back now, I get it all.

Rediscovering thongs again

I remember being young and picking out underwear, looking through the section with thongs and feeling an excitement come over me. Something completely new, completely foreign to me, but I knew they were like a ticket into what seemed like adulthood. I picked out three that day and went home.

I was so excited to try them on, experience what all the older girls and women were already wearing. I ran up to my room immediately and began undressing. I put one of the thongs on and while somewhat uncomfortable, I couldn’t help feel the rush of excitement come over me again. I felt sexy, I felt confident, I felt empowered. All feelings which were new to me, in addition to the new wedgie like feeling.

I changed out of them, hid them in the back of my underwear drawer and went about my day. Days later I would finally get the courage to wear one, putting a thong under my soffe shorts and doing whatever, likely heading to a friends house like any other day. But wearing that thong for the first time, all day long, was pure excitement. I felt like a sexy woman, like I had grown up instantly. I remember feeling extremely confident and instantly noticing men look at me — even if they weren’t really, it felt like it. And I loved the attention and feeling just wearing a thong gave me.