Stepsister Finds Out I’m Fucking her Ex [FM]

Forgive the amount of backstory here. ******SEX STARTS HERE****** will get you past it.

There’s still a month or so before the big move. But I’m beyond ready to get out of this state and all the bad memories it holds. The opportunity is too great to pass up. Moving hours away, no strings attached, with my friend with benefits. What could be better?

I had been slowly moving boxes of stuff to Steven’s. What little I can get into my Cavalier at least, and wishing that I could take the truck my ex has back. Especially since I’m paying for it and recently found out the registration is in my name alone. Britney, my stepsister, came into my room while I was packing one day.

“What are you doing?”

“Packing. Got a job out of state that starts after Christmas break.”

“Oh, ok cool.” Britney was oddly dismissive. “Anyway, ran into your ex again the other night.”

“Oh. That sucks.”

“Not really. I went home with him. I hope you don’t mind.”

“What?! Why would you do that after all he put me through?!”

“Well, he’s hot. And he seems to remember it differently.”

Unexpected Threesome with [M]y [F]WB and [F]uture Coworker [Long]

I had done most of the legwork for transferring my teaching license before we even came to visit and thanks to reciprocity it was fairly easy. Even still, I never expected to get a job offer the same week I interviewed. Nevertheless at the best school in the area.

As a final step, they wanted me to spend a day teaching under the teacher I would be working most closely with. I would have thought it would be with the one I would replace, but Admin’s logic was that they wanted to make sure we could work together.

Her name is Ellie and she is a first year teacher. We got a lot great and by the end of the day, after the students had left, we were sharing our stories. She offered to show me around town and then invited us for dinner and drinks. She went home to change and met me at Steven’s office where introductions were made and then off we went.

“So,” Ellie posed as we drove around town. “You guys just hook up. No strings attached? And if you met a guy, he wouldn’t care if you hooked up with him? And you wouldn’t care if he fucked another girl?”

E[M]pty O[F]fice, Filled Holes

Before I start my story, I want to thank everyone who sends positive comments and messages. This outlet has been a fun way to express my newly found freedoms. Those who haven’t read them can check my post history. Anyway, this isn’t what you’re here for so onto the story.

Since becoming FWB with Steven, things started to finally fall into place with me. I had companion ship, sex, but didn’t feel trapped. I could dress how I want, talk to who I want, and be my own person. I’ve been able to experience a freedom I hadn’t in years.

When I left my ex, I had nothing. A cheap Tracfone and an older laptop were my means of communication (and picture taking). The lease for the apartment I shared with my ex ended at the end of October. He doesn’t work, the management company refused to take my name off the lease, and so I was stuck paying for it.

We went on Halloween to check for any signs of anything of mine, turn in the key, and ensure he didn’t forge my name on a lease renewal before going to activate the relatively modern phones we bought off Amazon and start a family plan because cheaper.

[F]ucked in [M]y Stepsister’s Bed

Hosting Steven hasn’t been option since we started hooking up. Given that we have to keep it a secret from my stepsister, lest she turn her narcissism onto me as well. It has been hard on us despite her freely admitting that *she* never saw it as a relationship, but until we move in a few months it has to be secret.

My turn came when she, her mom, and my dad took a trip. Steven was happy to oblige and left his cats with some food before heading over. I didn’t mind going to his house to get away from my stepsister and stepmom, and I loved his house and cats, but it was nice to finally be the one to host him.

The opportunity was too great. As soon as he arrived, I knew what I wanted to do. Perhaps even had to do. He arrived to find my red hair in pigtails and my body completely exposed. Immediately, I grabbed his hand and led him to Britney’s room. I whipped his shirt off and pressed my bare tits against him, feeling him already growing hard.

A Confession [F]ollowed by [M]y First Creampie

I knew Steven’s trauma simply from living with my stepsister. But before anything could come of us, I had to come clean about the five years I spent with my ex and why I had to stop him from going through what I did.

So I laid it all out for him. Everything I had suffered through. I told him how when I left a few months earlier, I left behind a man with no job and both our names on the lease and loan for his truck. All these things I’m stuck paying for to save my own credit.

“Worst of all,” I said as the tears begin to flow. “He bragged about sharing all the nudes I sent him over the years.”

That’s right. There are nudes of me floating around on the internet. I have no problem with porn. I read Gonewildstories, browse NSFW Subreddits, and watch Pornhub. But when [I found a picture of me on Tumblr]( he actually bragged about trading and sharing my nudes. I try to own sharing them now, but it can still be hard.

Almost Caught by [M]y Stepsister with her ex-“Boy[F]riend”

Steven and I continued our rendezvous in the weeks following that first time. Sometimes it was a quick meeting, sometimes a sleepover. It all depended on the information I got or overheard from Britney at home. She was very adamant that she wasn’t in love with him or even like him, but she let him believe they were in a relationship. So while it may have technically been cheating, it never felt like it.

When we weren’t together, I often found myself sending him [pictures]( Some were [older](, some were [taken for him](, even [one at work]( and one [at his house when he wasn’t around]( When we were together, the sex was just as amazing or better than the first time. And we both realized that we really enjoyed just being together. For Steven, someone who spent his life fighting for affection, he was gaining confidence from what was forming between us.

Steven tried to break up with her several times. Both when I was at home and while I was with him. The lack of control for her did not go over well, and his distancing himself made her try harder to get him back on her line. She noticed the change in me and surmised, correctly, that I had begun seeing someone but never put two and two together.

[M]y Stepsister’s Boy[F]riend

My stepsister, Britney, is a genuinely terrible person. Narcissistic would be a good description. It doesn’t help that her mother spoils her and acts very similar. I have no idea what my dad sees in her. I guess they bonded over losing a spouse.

I’ve never been friends with my stepsister, but we went through school together, and both live at home. Me after getting out of a long-term abusive relationship and she because her mom will take care of her. I don’t make much as a second grade teacher, but once I get myself together again I plan to get out.

She and I are so different. I’m a [petite redhead]( and she’s a chubby brunette. I’ve had no shortage of guys after me, she hasn’t. But her “boyfriend,” and I use the term loosely for how she treats him, is a sweet guy. I’ve gotten to know him and truly enjoy spending time with him. He’s a sweet guy. He’s a bigger guy, 5’10 and 250 lbs, and deals with anxiety and depression issues.

[FM] Our First Time Part II

I woke up the next morning with my body sore from using muscles I didn’t know I had and a mind torn between my new found liberation and strict upbringing. And yet, there was a comfort in the feeling of Steven’s skin against mine and the sound of his breathing as he slept beside me. I knew there was a safety with him in exploring myself with him, but still a nagging feeling that something was wrong.

I soon felt him stir and roll onto his back. I turned to rest my head on his chest. We laid in silence for a while as I listened to his heartbeat. Steven gently stroked my back and we enjoyed the feeling of our skin against the other’s. Finally, Steven broke the silence.

“How do you feel?”

“Physically? Sore. Mentally? Torn.”

Steven remained silent but through his body I could feel a hurt come through him. I quickly added:

“I don’t have any regrets, though. I know I made the right choice. It’s just that all these things were so engrained in my head that while my heart is satisfied, my brain is battling.”