[MT] The Summer of Serra Pt. 2

I made a post a few months back about my first encounter with Serra in college, and it was generally well received, with only a *few* shitty messages, and after lurking since then, felt like sharing a bit more.

So to fill in some background, Serra and I met in college and she was instrumental in bringing me back from an extremely dark place. She is a bubbly, bright ray of light, and I am the luckiest guy in the world for having her by my side for years now. She is MtF trans, and has no plans for surgery, which I’m okay with.

So after our first encounter, we were pretty inseparable. We stayed over at each other’s places nearly every night, and within weeks I had told her I loved her and we were looking for a place together. Up until this point our sex life had consisted of mutual oral (which I had grown to genuinely enjoy).

[MT] The Summer of Serra

My sophomore year of college I was in a bad place. My girlfriend of almost 6 years had cheated on me with one of my cousins. She was my first real girlfriend, my first kiss, lost my virginity to her, I had assumed we’d eventually get married. I was drinking too much, and my grades were suffering. I was basically a zombie going from class to class, present in name only, and it truly felt like it was only a matter of time before I either dropped out or was kicked out.

Then I met Serra.

We had randomly been paired together on an assignment, which I wasn’t excited about. I wasn’t in the mood to be a ‘team player’, I didn’t want my depression to ruin anyone else’s grades, and I wasn’t the most outgoing person. However, what I lacked in motivation and personal skills Serra made up for tenfold. She was this walking ray of sunshine and optimism and evidently saw what a mess I was and took it upon herself to “fix me”. We quickly finished the assignment together, but began texting and hanging out more and more, the haze began lifting, and it was obvious we had feelings for one another.