The Night Porter IV (MF18+)

The hot cum drips off your tongue as the other two guys step up. The bigger of the two takes a handful of your hair and lifts you to your feet, before throwing you over the back of the couch, your ass sticking up as the back 9f the couch props up your hips.

Your ass hole is still stretched out from the butt plug and your wet pussy has drenched your ass with your juices, he slides straight in all the way as the second guy moves around in front of you slipping his cock into your eager mouth.

They fuck you with abandon, you’re fuckmeat for them they pound into you each thrust pushing you deeper onto the other cock, they are both buried balls deep into you as they unload huge amounts of cum at the same time leaving you with cum running down your thighs, and dripping off your chin.

They quickly dress and go back into the main conference room, you look around, alone now, for something to clean up with but can’t find anything suitable. Your chosen option therefore is to scoop the cum up on your fingers and greedily munch it down, enjoying the taste with every swallow.

The Night Porter III (MF18+)

The client meeting was horrible, you were (for obvious reasons) completely distracted during the presentation, the Boss did his best to cover for you. But it was super hard for him, as your breathing was ragged, you kept squirming in your chair, the stange buttplug that was left in your ass just started to feel too good.

You Boss calls for a break and you step outside for a minute, you are told in no uncertain terms to go and sort yourself out in the breakout room and to only come back into the meeting when you’re ready to win the business.

You close the door in the breakout room, nothing much in here but a couple of sofas and coffee table and another door that leads directly back into the conference room. You lock the door that you came in through behind you and pull up your skirt, dropping into a deep squat you feel your asshole stretching out around the but plug that has been inside you now for at least 6 hours. You grab the end, wrap your fingers around it, and are immediately away of the sensation of touch around your stretch hole. You start to pull at it, which just feels amazing as the wider part begins to stretch you further, your grip just isn’t right though so you lean over the couch and reach under your legs, pressing your forearm up against your pussy and your fingers grab the back of the buttplug and pull. At the poitn at which your asshole is stretched wiset the door opens from the main confernece room, and the 3 gents from the client all have a straight line view of you as you slip the plug from your asshole.

The Night Porter – I&LL (MF18+)

Part I

You arrive at the hotel after a long train journey, you’ve been in standard class on a packed train, it’s been hot, close, grimy….on the surface of things you know that it’s not been pleasant, but someting has scratched at you all the way there. You don’t know quite what it is, the chap across from you at the table kept rubbing your calf, the chap on your right, touched your thigh more than once, the lady stood next to your table…did she look down your top? You certainly checked out her tits as they pressed against her shirt and put pressure on the buttons. And the vibrations, as the train came to a stop it hit a sweet spot that sent shivers from your pussy right up your spine and back again.

As you walk into reception it’s late, dark outside, things seem quiet. The hotel isn’t up to much, it’s a corporate chain, has decent beds, not much else. You notice him though as you enter, through the open office door behind reception. It looks like a young girl in a suit is telling him off for some reason. He’s a huge chap, especially next to the girl, you remeber thinking how brave she was for speaking to him that way. He’s handsome in a middle age rugged sort of way, looks clean and tidy, although the poverwhelming feature is just he sheer size, must be over 6 ft tall and maybe weighs 20 stone.

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Hen Party – Escape Room II

The screen flickers on.

Each can drink clean water from the tap, for every load swallowed.

They rouse from their sleep in silence, in a heap on the floor, intertwined, they feel surprisingly well rested. Eyes flicker to the screen, reluctant glances at each other, eyes down, shame and guilty pleasure crash together with the want to escape. Sense of time has been lost to them, it must be the middle of the night on Saturday. The Bride, her younger sister, Sarah and Claire plus the other 2 girls look up and see the human cock emerging from the booth furthest from the sink.

The instruction seems clear, they whisper together they agree on an approach. First comes the shouting, the demands to be let free, we aren’t doing anything else, people will miss us, you’re going to jail.

From the office the Amazonian and the Jester are watching they smirk and chuckle, they’ve heard it all before, there is no concern, the buyers will protect them, the market for the end product is high value, huge sums of money are exchanged amongst powerful people for they product they can offer.

Hen Party – Escape Room

The 6 girls in the party were asked to meet up on Saturday at 4pm for an Escape Room adventure before going straight out for drinks in town.

The Bride to Be, and the other 5 girls were tip top, fit healthy girls in their late 20’s and early 30’s with one outlier, the Bride’s younger sister who had just turned 18 that week.

Together they looked amazing all dolled up and ready to hit the town, a colourful, happy group of girls in their hottest dresses ready for a fun fuelled weekend.

The Escape Room place was in an old warehouse in a quiet part of the industrial end of town, and on Saturday afternoon was pretty much deserted when the minibus dropped them off. They were met by an imposing ‘Amazonian’ woman in her late 40’s, attractive and fit, with long dark hair. She was dressed as a medieval Lady and accompanied by a slender and athletic man dressed as a Court Jester. Together they were an authentic looking fun pair who took them into the briefing room.