I fuck my boss’s daughter pt.2

After I get out of the shower I see her still sprawled out where I left her. She’s fast asleep. I gently and carefully scoop her up, taking care not to wake her up. A smile creeps over my face as I place her naked body on the cot.

I let out a soft chuckle as I make my way back to my bed. “Not sleeping in the cot.” I mutter under my breath.

I climb into bed naked and fall asleep watching tv.

I wake up to the sound of something slithering under the covers. I almost panic but quickly realize its Lilian. I’m annoyed that she didn’t stay in her cot but curious as to why she is under the covers and didn’t just try climbing into bed.

I decide that I’m going to pretend that I’m asleep and see what she does.

I feel her reach my legs and she stops for a second before she caresses her way up them. I realize she’s still naked, I can feel her breasts dangling and dragging against my skin as she climbs her way up. She sits up and the comforter slides back, I feel her hands gently caressing my chest.

I (33) fuck my boss’s daughter (f24)

My boss is the kind of guy who’ll ask you how you would do a task. After listening, telling you how he thinks you should go about it, but no matter which way you do it, if it goes wrong. It’s your fault, for either not listening to him or not taking the initiative and doing it your way.

I met his daughter at the Thanksgiving work dinner last year and I  thought she was cute until I found out she was the spawn of that manbeast.

This year she was made a branch manager like I am, mostly due to her fathers father’s influence. Anyhow we get sent to meet with the regional manager.

Everything is going fine despite all the problems with covid 19 and traveling.

Our meeting with the regional manager goes great. We leave the office and as I head to my hotel she starts to yell at her phone.

She forgot to book her hotel.

I take pity on her and contact the hotel staff, they helped out and had a sleeping cot brought up to my room.

“I’m not sleeping on a cot.”

Fucking two witches in my office

“Wait?… WAIT?!? you come into my office! You start making demands and now you dare to say wait?” I almost shout as I approache Elizabeth. Elizabeth looks up at me as I loom over her.

“I’m… I still haven’t recovered from our last..” she begins to say.

I grab her by the hair on the back of her head and pull her roughly onto her feet. I tilt her head back and I look her in the eyes. She stares back at me and she starts to bite her lower lip. I tilt her head back and I hear her gasp as I bite her neck. She lets out a small moan as I start sucking.

I let go and inspect my work, a deep red mark. I work my way up her neck and pull her face into mine for a kiss. I feel her body melt into me as our lips lock and our tongues dance.

I grab her shoulders and shove her onto her knees. I hear her knees hit the ground and she sucks air through her teeth. Before she recovers I shove my still erect cock inside her mouth.

I(m24) fuck my boss (32) for a promotion

When I started working at a national park I was only working as a maintenance worker. I shoveled snow, cleaned up roadkill and fixed broken toilets at the hotels.

The regional manager was the kind of lady that walked into a room and you could just tell she was in charge. She lived at the park like the rest of us so she did a lot of hiking and climbing. So she had an amazing physique, she always wore this tight black skirt and heels at work.

She ran the hotels, all three, she would jump into her work truck and drive to the other hotels to make a personal appearance making sure everything was going smoothly.

One day I was called over the radio to head over to the fanciest of the hotels and move some furniture. I’m greeted at the door by her but she seems a little disappointed.

“Are you the only guy they sent? I have to get the hall ready I need more than one person. ”

What have I gotten myself into (MFF)

I wake up alone in her bed. I right myself and go to the bathroom. I splash some water on my face and try to make sense of what has happened.

I can’t, it’s all too much. I don’t know what has come over me and I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into. I gather my things from the bedroom, quickly get dressed and leave.

I head home take a nap, shit, shower and shave. (I brushed my teeth in the shower) grab a new suit and head for work. On my way up to my office my assistant waves me down.

“The meeting has been pushed back to 4 and your 10 o clock is already here. ” He says to me with a smirk.

I look at him confused but head on into my office not wanting to keep any of my clients or possibly one of my bosses waiting.

As I open the door I see a stranger sitting on the edge of my desk facing the door and the woman from the cinema facing away from me, her spider tattoo on her calf giving her away.

I get to fuck Elsa

My girlfriend tells me that she used to work as elsa for parties and that she still has the costume. She laughs at me when I ask her to find it and put it on. She giggles as she leaves the room. I wait patiently on the couch.

I hear her singing let it go as she makes her way down the hall. Guys, she had the whole set up. She even did her makeup. I stand up and hold my arms out. She comes in for a hug and we dance as she finishes singing.

as she finishes she looks up at me and I give her a kiss. I quickly turn her around and bend her over the arm of the couch. I flip up her dress and pull her thong to the side. I spit in my hand and put it on the tip of my dick as I shove it into her pussy. She lets out a gasp followed by a moan.

Shes moaning loudly and screaming my name as I’m fucking her into the couch so hard that it’s scooting across the floor. I press myself against her and grind her hips into me as I cum deep inside her.

My turn (sub dom switch)

I hear her turn off the shower through the open Door. She comes into the room, still naked using a towel to dry her hair. She sees me still shackled to the bed and smiles.

“Good boy. Did you miss me?”

I say nothing, I’m just staring at her naked form. She laughs and walks out of the room into the hall. She leaves me there, I take a moment to gather myself and come up with a plan.I snap out of it when I hear her voice coming down the hall. She’s looking at me while resting against the door frame.

“Okay see you soon. I love you. Bye. ”

She hangs up her phone and puts it down on her dresser. She grabs a key and starts heading towards me. My heart starts pounding in my chest, I try to keep my breathing even. She undoes a shackle on my left ankle and a wave of excitement washes over me.

I lay there, motionless, patiently as she undoes my other shackles. She’s sitting on the edge of the bed as she undoes the last restraint on my left arm. I’m barely keeping it together as I hear the clinking of the key hitting the lock.

I get blackmailed by the girl from the cinema

I’m at work when I get a notification, I’ve got an email. I look at the sender and subject line. It’s from the cinema, “thanks for your resent visit. ”

A sense of dread builds in me as I click to open it. There is no message, only an attachment.  I open the  folder and her picture pulls up on my screen. It’s the same girl from the movie theater. Shes sitting in an office, topless, holding up a business card next to her smiling face.

That’s MY business card. How did she get it? Then it hits me, she grabbed onto me when I made her cum. She must have gotten it out of my pocket. I don’t respond to the email, I just delete it and go back to work.

I get another notification, this one had the subject line, “you never called.” I open it out of morbid curiosity. The body of the email reads, “your employer might be interested in what you get up to off the clock.” There’s another attachment, it’s a bigger file.

I fuck a coworker at Disney world

When I used to work as Gaston at Disney world I found out that the girl that played Maleficent had a domination fetish. She tied me up, put makeup on me and then sent me home with blue balls.

So one day after work I invited her to my place. She declined, so I decided to keep lightly teasing her. I would put on chapstick really slowly around her while making eye contact. I even arranged for her to walk in on me with Ariel in wardrobe. Ariel was sitting on my lap plucking my eyebrows. I could tell she was getting turned on.

She declined my invitation again.

As Maleficent left the room I turned to Ariel and put my hands around her waist. I picked her up and bent her over her makeup counter. She was staring at me through the reflection in the mirror as I flipped her skirt up, pulling my dick out of my pants as I pinned her down. I pulled her underwear off to the side and crammed my dick inside her.

My crush fucks a horse

I work as a maintenance manager at a national park and since we work at a national park they give us free lodging so we don’t commute for hours.

Sometimes the electricity goes down and the internet is always spotty. So the only things you can rely on being able to do after work are, drinking, workouts, hiking, drugs and sex.

One night after work I met up with some friends who wanted to go on a hike to the top of a mountain for a full moon. Someone brought some pack mules and we rode horses up the trail. We get to the top just as the sun was setting, the last few rays putting on a color display as we started setting up a campfire and opening beers. I had already started a good buzz when everyone else started bringing out more and more drugs. Weed, x, heroin, cocaine and mushrooms.

I don’t partake in much other than weed, I’m afraid of the harder stuff because of passed experiences. This cute brunette that I’ve always had a crush on comes over and offers me some shrooms. I politely declined, she sat down next to me by the fire and ate some.

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